Villrein i fjella på vestsida av Vikafjellsvegen, nær fylkesgrensa. (Helge Haukeland)

Wild reindeer in the mountains on the west side of Vikafjells Road, near the county border.

Wild reindeer in the mountains on the west side of Vikafjells Road, near the county border. (Helge Haukeland)



The largest reindeer herd in Hordaland - outside of Hardangervidda - lives in the mountainous area between Voss/Vaksdal and Sognefjorden.

Fjellheimen wild reindeer area has more than 500 animals. The Stølsheim reindeer have been shown to be much easier to control than the wild reindeer on Hardangervidda. This suggests that the amount of animals is about right for the amount of food available. The animals are therefore in good condition.

The first ten tame reindeer were turned loose in 1930. The Vossestrand Reindeer Association organized the return to the wild of animals of these animals that used to roam freely in these mountains. Much earlier, in 1848, the original wild reindeer had to give way to humans. Tenant farmers on the farms demanded then that the wild reindeer had to go, because they believed that they attracted wolves.

There are three to four other small reindeer flocks at other places in the Voss municipality, among them in the mountains between Teigdalen and Eksingedalen and in the mountains south of Voss. One of these flocks is administered as tame reindeer, but the rest as wild reindeer with prescribed hunting quotas and hunting times.

Places in muncipality