Fiske ved Flagafossen, 1930-åra. (Normann)

Fishing in Flagafossen in the 1930s

Fishing in Flagafossen in the 1930s. (Normann)



There is probably no bigger salmon to be found in the whole wide world than in Vosso. The average size varies from season to season of course, but for many years this fish has had an average weight of over 10 kilograms. Thumping big ones of 30 kg. have been fished from the river, but one must go back to the 1940s for the last salmon of this size last that was caught.

With catches such as these, it is no wonder that the salmon fishing in Vosso has been a world attraction and given large economic benefits for the landowners along the river and Bolstad Fjord. At the most, foreign investors have paid more than a million kroner for fishing rights.

But as with so many other rivers in western Norway, the return of the salmon has collapsed the past ten years - In Vosso to such a degree that the salmon has been protected since 1991. Salmon lice must take a large part of the blame, even if there are several reasons for their decline. Even though spawn has been set out in the river for a long time, it is completely unknown when the salmon stocks will improve. Sea trout has also been protected in the Vosso, but for this fish, there have been good enough stocks since 1997 to have granted some fishing licences.

The river network has three main branches above Lake Vangsvatnet: the Strandaelvi, Raundalselvi and Bordalselvi rivers. These rivers were protected forever against hydropower in 1986. Vangsvatnet and the stretch of river downstream are not included in the protection area. The salmon comes naturally up the Vosso to the Voss hatchery in the Strandelvi and to Palmafossen in the Raundalselvi river. At Palmafossen a salmon ladder was built in the 1950s, but proof is still lacking that salmon have managed to come by here.

The Vosso river runs through rich agricultural communities, some places also over nutrient rich bedrock. Nonetheless, the water system has been affected by pollution, though not as much as in other rivers. In consideration of the salmon stocks liming has been carried out since 1994 by the power station at Evanger. Why is the salmon in Vosso originally so large? That it comes from a big river is of course important. In addition, the Vosso salmon spends more time in the sea than most other strains of salmon. But why it does that, nobody knows.

Kart over Vossevassdraget. «Voss er vid, men Vøre er vidare». Vassvøre er det gamle namnet på området frå Vangsvatnet til Bolstadfjorden.

Fiskelordar viser fram dagens fangst ved Monsen Hotell, Evanger i 1912. Vekta på tavla er oppgitt i pund. (Utlån: Terje Styve, Voss Folkemuseum VFU-F-01672.)

Voss Klekkeri vart reist i 1989, men frå tid til anna har det vore drive klekkjeri i Vosso heilt sidan 1920-åra. Hausten 1989 vart den første rogna frå vossolaks lagd til klekking. Sidan har det vore sett ut opp mot 100 000 sommargammal laks på om lag 5 centimeter langs store delar av den lakseførande strekninga i Vossevassdraget. Det årlege fisket etter stamfisk i den freda elva, og utsorteringa av oppdrettsfisk, har vore arbeidskrevjande. Når fangsten av stamfisk har svikta, har det vore naudsynt å tilføra rogn av vossolaks frå genbanken i Eidfjord for å kunna produsera tilstrekkeleg med setjefisk.


Årleg blir det òg produsert opp mot ti tusen brunaureyngel på Voss klekkeri. 5–7 centimeter lang sommargammal yngel har vore sett ut i bortimot 60 vatn kringom i heile kommunen. Dei sterkt kraftregulerte vatna, Torfinnsvatnet og Volavatnet, har i dag fint fiske takk vere desse tiltaka. Det hjelper òg på at større brunaure blir flytta frå fiskerike til fiskefattige vatn.

See also

Places in muncipality