At Indre Ringheim there is a building from the Middle Ages, from before 1349. This house has beautiful decorated doors, and the jointing is executed in a masterly fashion. Together with Finnesloftet and Lydvaloftet, Ringheimsloftet is a monument over Norwegian building skills at the height of the Middle Ages. The farmyard at Vetle Ringheim, as sketched by A.Tidemand, still exists in the same condition, with dwelling house, scullery, store and hayshed with a cowshed in front. The beautiful stone terrace ties the row of houses together to make an entity. There is great age difference in the various houses at Vetle Ringheim. Probably the oldest is the scullery, which may stem from early 1600s.
Vetle Ringheim, sketched by A.Tidemand in 1843. (photo: J. Lathion, eigar: Nasjonalgalleriet (tusjpenn, 25x35,3, B 4332)).
The farm Ringheim by Lundarvatnet is amongst the largest in Voss. It is divided into eight units and four cadastral numbers: Store Ringheim, Indre Ringheim, Nedre Ringheim and Vetle Ringheim. The farm Lund, from which Lundarvatnet takes its name, must have been a part of Ringheim, and the farms Gjerde and Tròdo (Trå) must formerly have been separated from Ringheim. The name Ringheim indicates that it stems from early times.