The stretch between Ålvik and Kvanndal was opened in the autumn 1940, and more than 600 men, divided into a hundred work teams, built the stretch from Kvanndal to Granvin from the autumn 1940 to the autumn 1941.In the spring 1933 the workers’ union demanded that the advance payment be increased from 60 to 90 øre per hour. The Road Administration rejected the demand from the workers, and from 22 July 1933 the strike was a reality.For a long time there was no information about this work conflict. Norsk Arbeidsmandforbund (the union) made several efforts to persuade the Road Director to meet the demands of the workers. Only a year later, on 2 May, did the striking workers meet and decided by a large majority that the work be resumed. Thus one of the longest lasting work conflicts in West Norway came to a halt.
The road along the north side of the Hardanger fjord - between Øystese and Eide in Granvin – was literally built “by hand”. The construction work started in February 1933, and on 9 October 1937 Crown Price Olav opened the stretch of road between Øystese and Ålvik at Fyksesund bridge.
Så seint som i 1920-åra betalte bygda Kvanndal årleg ein sum til kyrkja for at fjellet Bjørgi på hi sida av Granvinsfjorden ikkje skulle rasa ut. Før i tida var slike offer vanlege – spesielt på stader der folk budde slik til at dei var prisgitt dei store kreftene i naturen.