About Kringom

Kringom.no is a website about the natural and cultural history of Vestland, and a continuation of the former Grind.no and Leksikon.fylkesarkivet.no

The website is a collaboration between Vestland County Council, Department for Culture and Public Health and the University of Bergen, University Museum of  Bergen.

  • Knut Olav Aslaksen , project leader, UiB
  • Sigrun Espe, co-project leader, VLFK
  • William Helland-Hansen, subject coordinator nature, UiB
  • Per Olav Bøyum , subject coordinator culture, VLFK
  • Kari Klæboe Årrestad, digital communication, UiB
  • Per Christian Underhaug, digital communication, VLFK
  • Martin Swartling, digital infrastructure, VLFK




A reference group consisting of resource persons from the two institutions is tasked with providing advice and viewpoints on the development of Kringom. In addition, the editorial team wishes to take into account, as far as possible, input from users of the website.



Kringom er interessert i fagleg relevant stoff frå frivillige skribentar. Har du kunnskap om natur- og kulturhistoria vår,  og ei historie som har allmenn interesse for våre lesarar, ta gjerne kontakt med redaksjonen.
