Grindheim kyrkje

Grindheim church

Grindheim church. (Svein Nord)

Grindheim church

The first church at Grindheim was a stave church with a free-standing steeple. The church was first mentioned in 1326, but was probably built long before this time.

Grindheim is one of the old major farms in the Etne community. The large terraces at Grindheim and Støle provided good conditions for corn cultivation. West of the church is a large collection of graves, probably from the first centuries of our calendar. Following the great storm in 1673 the stave church was rebuilt. At one time it had a nave of logs with cogged joints and a chancel of staves. In 1728 a new timber church was built. This building was expanded in 1853. The nave was then sawn over, the western part was moved to the west, and new timber logs were jointed into the longitudinal walls. As the church stands today, it was restored in 1954. When new church benches were put in, the interior was also painted. A beautiful medieval door fitting is now mounted on the western door. Within the interior there are also decorated planks from the stave church. In a display case on the north wall of the nave there is a rare property of the church, a decorated wax candle, Easter candle or a christening candle.

These candles were used at special services. This candle is probably originally from late medieval times or the time around 1600.

Steinkrossen som står like innanfor kyrkjegardsmuren, låg tidlegare i sjølve muren. Opphaveleg har han stått på «Krossbakken». Mange stader har steinkrossane vore samlingsstader før kyrkjene vart bygde, kanskje også seinare. Ordtaket: «Han går korkje til kross eller kyrkje», kan vera eit vitnemål om dette. Øvste armen er avslegen, slik at krossen no har T-form.


Ein runestein låg i fleire hundre år i kyrkjegardsmuren ved Grindheim kyrkje. No er han reist ved nordveggen av kyrkja, der han er bolta fast. På eine breisida er innhogge ein kross. Innskrifta står på den eine smalsida og skal lesast nedanfrå og opp såleis (i omsetjing): «Tormod reiste denne steinen etter Tormod Svidande, far sin».


Tilnamnet til den eldre Tormod, som kjem av verbet å svi eller brenna, kan han sjølvsagt ha fått av fleire grunnar. Somme meiner det kan ha samband med svirydjing, men dette er langtfrå visst. Innskrifta kan truleg daterast til kring midten av 1000-talet.

See also

Places in muncipality