From the old road along the Åkrafjord (Svein Nord).


One of the most fascinating roads in the county is the E-11 along the Åkra fjord; a masterpiece of engineering art. There are many examples of good old craftsmanship along the road, evident in stone bridges and road buttresses. The road was built in 1940-42 and was the largest road project in the State Roads Authority’s history. More than 1,000 men were at work here in 1940 and the road was fashioned by hand; there were road insertions 40 metres high, walls 30 metres high, 13 tunnels and 40 bridges in all. The German authorities pressed on to have the road finished, both from an employment aspect and for military reasons. The road building was therefore speeded up and did not in the end attain the standard originally planned. Later, the road was improved and reopened in 2000, including the 7 km-long Åkrafjord tunnel.

Driftevegen gjennom Stordalen gjennom Øyno, og vidare over fjellet til Røldal, er ein av dei gamle ferdslevegane mellom aust og vest. Heilt frå mellomalderen har dette vore ei sentral sambandsline. Røldal kyrkje var ein av dei viktige valfartsstadene, og den årvisse Røldalsmarknaden trekte til seg mykje folk til langt fram på 1800-talet.


Postvegen frå Skånevik til Etne er ein del av sambandet nord-sør: den «Stavangerske Posttour». Postvegane vart bygde ut med gradvis høgare standard etter at posttenesta vart fastare organisert midt på 1600-talet. Først på 1800-talet vart desse vegane køyrevegar. Postvegen mellom Skånevik og Etne er sett i god stand som turveg.

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See also

Places in muncipality