Det er mykje ærfugl i sjøen kring brua (Stein Mortensen)

There are many puffins in the sea around the bridge

Many of those who drive over the Nordhordland bridge notice that there are many puffins in the sea around the bridge. The reason is that there are mussels, the favourite food of the puffins, growing on the bridge pontoons. (Stein Mortensen)



When the debate about building a pontoon bridge over Salhus Fjord was raging, some were afraid that the bridge would disrupt the ecology of the fjord system inside. The worst predictions did not prove true, but it is easy to see that there was a change: the Puffins have gotten a new food platter after the Nordhordaland bridge was built. Its favourite meal, mussels, thrive on the pontoons that are the foundation for the bridge.

In the past, it was usual that well over a thousand puffins would perch on the wooden docks in Sandviken. There are many fewer there now. The Puffins have settled instead in Eidsvåg in periods. Perhaps this is because of the pollution in By Fjord.

That large flocks of puffins come regularly to the Nordhordland Bridge, is due to other reasons, however. The pontoons on the bridge provide a good substrate for shell larvae to attach to. At the mussel plant, the pieces of rope or "netting stockings" that hang down into the sea serve the same function. During the course of a year, the larvae grow a 3-4 centimetre-long shell. Then it is party time for the puffins if the plant is not protected from these diving guests. The Nordhordland bridge is a warning that there can be many unwelcome visitors at a mussel plant used for aquaculture, and there are generally several others who come during the course of a year.

Without the help of the fish farming or the bridge, puffins would have to find mussels on stones or another more or less firm substrate in the upper layers of the seawater, preferably in places with a lot of current. The shells live on algae and other small nutrient particles that get filtered from the water. Parts of Oster Fjord have always provided good living conditions. That the salt content in the Fjord is low does not pose any problem. It is more important that there is a good current, making life easier, among other ways, by helping to spread the eggs. One mussel produces 5-10 million eggs per year.

The way that they feed makes mussels vulnerable to poisoning, either from toxic algae or from environmental pollutants in the water. This is a well known problem for people, but seldom for birds. It is not easy to see from a shell if it has been poisoned, but many places in the country, the amount of pollutants in the water is measured in the summer, so that people can avoid being poisoned by mussels.

Nordhordalandsbrua, som opna i 1994, er eineståande mellom dei mange bruene kring Bergen. 1246 meter av brua er flytebru, den lengste i verda av sitt slag, men på Bergenssida er det òg eit høgt luftspenn.Overgangen mellom dei to brutypane er på Klauvskallen, der eit brukar med tårn er festa 28 meter under havoverflata, om lag 150 meter frå land.


Flytebrua er sett saman av 11 seksjonar som kviler på flytande pongtongar. Konstruksjonen vart vald for å skapa minst mogleg negative miljøeffektar i fjordane innanfor – det vil seia Sørfjorden, Veafjorden, Osterfjorden og sidearmane.


I ei årrekkje før brutypen vart vald, gjekk det føre seg omfattande miljøgranskingar i heile fjordsystemet. Granskingane skulle gje informasjon om tilstanden i vassmassane før og etter brubygginga. Fleire brutypar vart diskuterte, mellom anna pongtongkonstruksjonen.


Ei løysing med ein samanhengande 3–4 meter djup flytelekam i betong var teknologane sitt førsteval. Kritikarane meinte at ein slik konstruksjon ville føra til redusert gjennomstrøyming i Salhusfjorden. Dermed kunne det bli ei opphoping av – og lengre opphaldstid for – brakkvassmassane innanfor brua. Overflatevatnet i desse fjordane er i utgangspunktet svært lite salt, om lag 4 promille innhald av salt er målt i Osterfjorden (mai 2000). Sterkare fortynning kunne fått store konsekvensar for økosystemet, mellom anna for livsvilkåra for blåskjel og oppdrettsfisk. Hyppigare islegging av fjorden vart òg spådd.


Etter omfattande vurderingar konkluderte ein med at desse verknadene truleg ikkje ville få særleg mykje å seia. Lokalt engasjement og politiske avvegingar førte likevel til at pongtongkonstruksjonen vart vald.

See also

Places in muncipality