Husebø (Svein Nord)




When the Corncrake returned to Nordhordland, it came as no surprise that Husebø was the place it chose. Here, remnants of the old cultural landscape are still in good condition. And the Corncrake is not alone in appreciating this.

In 1997, a Corncrake settled down in a lush meadow. Its behaviour suggested that she perhaps was looking to nest. So rare was this in our time that the authorities gave the farmer money for delaying his harvest and to actually buy food for the animal.

The farms at Husebø are small. In the past, fishing was the main livelihood - now it is rather farming that provides the supplementary income, with other work on the land as the main source of employment. A few farms still do farming full-time, first and foremost milk production, and these often rent land from the others.

There are still dirt roads that have been left undisturbed at Husebø, and many of the old barns are in use. The bird life is lively. Curlews come right down to the barns, Twites sit on most of the fence posts, Starlings are everywhere, and the Sparrow Hawk is a frequent visitor. The horned owl does not nest here, but he comes regularly to inspect. Inside of essentially all of the barns, you will find nesting Barn Swallows, most often more than usual for these parts. This is a sign of good insect production.

Whether or not the Corncrake really nested and raised a flock of young in 1997 is unknown. But, she must have felt appreciated. She returned namely to the same barn the year after. Nothing like this has happened in Hordaland since the 1970s, when the species disappeared as a regular nesting bird from our county.

Åkerrikse. (Svein Efteland)

Tornsongar. I krattskogen i utkanten av kulturlandskapet er denne vesle fuglen vanleg. (Jan Rabben)

Hesjinga er det stort sett slutt med på Husebø; her som alle andre stader går graset rett i siloballane. Anna Olsdatter Husebø (1849–1932) i slåtten på Husebø, om lag 1930. Alle måtte vera med i slåtten, unge som eldre.

Gardane på vestsida av Husebøvågen ligg på morenejord. Massane vart avsette framfor brekanten samstundes med at Herdlamorenen vart til. Frå Herdla går morenen over Herdleflaket og kjem opp på tørt land i Meland kommune på Ringholmen og ved Skjelanger. Mest morenejord skuva breen opp på Husebø.


Sidan områda både på Skjelanger og Husebø låg under havnivået, som den gongen stod 35 meter høgare enn i dag, inneheld jorda relativt mykje leire. Silt (grov leire), som elva under breen frakta med seg, vart avsett på sjøbotnen. Siltavsetjinga viser att i terrassar med små bekkedalar, nord for krysset der vegen tek av til Husebø, og vidare mot Skjelanger.

See also

Places in muncipality