


Fossevatna, some few kilometres north of Alversund, is one of the finest wetland areas in Lindås. Especially the birdlife has made this place well known. Throughout the year, one can make exciting bird discoveries. But, if you want to hear the flight games skal høre med fagredaktør Stein Byrkjeland of the Snipe, you should come here on a spring or summer evening.

Fossevatna is a varied area. The vegetation-rich water with many small islets alternates between bog and swampy forest. Between the two Lakes Litlavatnet and Storavatnet there is an elevation difference of less than one metre. The stream that connects the two therefore flows quietly with swamp vegetation growing along the edges. Both lakes have been bigger in the past. The water surface is gradually shrinking as the peat from the bogs grows out over it. The water often has a brownish colour since it contains a lot of humus. On the edge of Lake Litlavatnet, there is a lot of beaked sedge and water horsetail growing. Tufted loosestrife (picture), lousewort and mare's tail grow more scattered.

The variations in nature lead to a diverse bird life; a total of 115 bird species have been documented in this area. Among these are 10 species of duck, 11 waders and 2 birds of the Rallidae (rail) family. Common wetlands nesting birds are the Eurasian Teal, Waxwing and Red Shank. Several pairs of Snipe also nest here. Other birds seek shelter in between the canary grass and reeds. Outside of nesting season, it is common to see small flocks of Tufted Duck. The Grey Goose often enjoys a rest here during their migrations. In the winter, it is not unusual to see Song Swans and Goldeneyes at Fossevatna. The bird reservation is protected by restrictions on trespass, but paths have been made which people are encouraged to use. As elsewhere in nature, one must be careful not to disturb the nesting birds.

Gulldusk. (Bjørn Moe)

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Places in muncipality