A rare and beautiful sight: Baldellia grows only in three areas in Norway: on Stord, Tysnes and Jæren. (Jan Rabben)



Plants that grow in and beside water have to be prepared for marked and rapid changes in their living conditions. They must be able to tolerate living under water without drowning, and getting totally dried out without whithering. Many swamp plants are well adapted to these kinds of changes.

Several of the rarest plant species on Stord grow in or by freshwater. Species like Siberian pink cups, northern green rush and creeping pillwort are found here, but are rare otherwise in Norway. They have quite different distributions, and grow only in southwest Norway north to Sunnhordland. If the environment changes, they could disappear forever.

By Lake Ådlandsvatnet one finds these three species in shallow water in some of the coves. The best growing conditions are fine-grained, slightly muddy bottoms without other dense vegetation. They bow under quite easily in the face of competition. With their difficulties in reproducing they are easily crowded out by other species. In the warm dry summers with low water levels their seeds have the best chances of germinating.

Another lake in the same area is Lake Storavatnet. Here, the characteristic common reed grows, a two metre-high grass that is easy to see. The common reed grows abundantly and quite far out into the water. Beaked sedge and water horsetail are two more common swamp plants that grow in a belt along the shores of most of the freshwater lakes in the southern part of Stord.

Laksen og sjøauren i Ådlandsvassdraget har vore hausta gjennom hundreår, og det heiter seg at soknepresten skal ha klaga over at fiskeretten gjekk tapt då prestegarden vart flytta frå Nedre Ådland til Tyse i 1648. Sidan den tid er det bygd dam til sag, mølle og sjoddyfabrikk nedanfor Sevhølen. Dette stengde for fiskeoppgangen, inntil det vart bygd ei fisketrapp over dammen i 1959. Fisket etter laks og sjøaure tok seg opp att, men har minka att det siste tiåret som dei fleste andre stader. Ferskvassauren er det viktigaste fiskeslaget i Ådlandsvatnet.Elles er her godt med ål og trepigga stingsild, og nipigga stingsild finst berre her i heile Hordaland. Vatnet blir rekna som det beste fiskevatnet i Stord kommune. Med fine turstigar rundt vatnet er området òg mykje nytta til rekreasjon.


På Stord har det òg funnest åbor og gjedde. Åboren vart oppdaga i Stokkatjødno i 1989 etter ei ulovleg utsetjing, men er utrydda med rotenon. I Storavatnet har det vore sett ut gjedde. Ho er seinare utrydda ved oppfisking.

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See also

Places in muncipality