Dalskarvatnet. (Svein Nord)


By Lake Dalskarvatnet there have been a number of discoveries of fossils from Ordovician time, among others, of this brachiopod. (Jan Rabben)



Many of the fossils one finds on Stord are related to fossils of the same age found in North America. Scientists thinks this indicates that the bedrock on Stord was much nearer to America at that time than today.

It is rare to find fossils in western Norway. During the Caledonian mountain-building event the bedrock got strongly folded and flattened, and was exposed to high pressure and temperature. In this way, most of the remains and imprints of organic life have been erased from the rocks. Some fossils were nonetheless preserved, including some on Stord.

In the 1930s the geologist and later professor Anders Kvale discovered several fossils of late Ordovician to early Silurian age (430–450 million years old) by Lake Dalskarvatnet, about 3 kilometres northeast of Dyvik. One can still find fossils in the creek beds that flow out in the east-northeastern part of the lake and in the limestone layer and lenses along the shores. Fossils from Lake Dalskarvatnet reveal the remains of stalks of crinoids, of bryozoans, corals and calcareous algae. Trilobites have also been found and lamp shells (brachiopods) by the water (pictured). Not all are equally whole or well preserved. Many fossils are flattened and folded from the time the Caledonian mountains were formed.

But, fossils have also been found other places in the municipality. Before one began to blast away bedrock in order to build boat houses or piers, Limbuvikjo (from the word "glue", suggesting limestone) by Dyvikvågen was the best place to find fossils in Hordaland. The fossil-bearing layers at Limbuvikjo belong to the same zone and are of the same age as those at Lake Dalskarvatnet.

Eit fossil er skjel, skjelettrestar eller avtrykk av dyr og planter bevarte i kalkstein, skifer eller sandstein. Desse bergartane er forsteina kalkslam-, leire- eller sandavsetjingar. Vart dei avsette i område der dyr og planter levde, inneheld dei ofte fossil. Kvar geologisk tidsperiode har sine karakteristiske fossil, som derfor kan brukast til å seia noko om alderen til fossilførande bergartar. (Jan Rabben)

Geologien langs austsida av Dyvikvågen, kartlagd av Hans Reusch i 1880-åra. Fossila finst i kalksonene avmerkte på kartet.

See also

Places in muncipality