Just after 1900 the fixed seines stood crowded together around the entire Osterøyi and into the streams. It was a busy time with buyers and inspectors. (Ola Kvamme).

Straume - Salmon


From times immemorial salmon and trout have been caught with various tools in the fjord and the streams here. Finds in the Stone Age settlements at Skipshelleren indicate that salmon was probably caught by angling. Nets, fish pots and traps have been used in the rivers right up to our times. In the fjords the use of nets was developed into a salmon seine around 1500, and later into what today is known as fixed seine.

The fixed seines and the high scaffolding by the fjord is a fishing technique that has developed in the fishing of sea salmon in the fjord settlements in West Norway. “Sitjenota” – a seine bag open at one end – sits in the fjord immediately below the scaffolding with a guiding seine into the bag. To make the “sitjenota” stable in the current it is fixed with wires to land and with stones to the bottom. The fishermen sit in a little hut at the top of the scaffolding, high above the sea. When they see that the salmon has entered the seine they close the bag with a pulley mechanism. At Straumshovet it is easy to stay at the edge and watch when the salmon travels up the current. Formerly there was only a simple bench to sit on. The first scaffolding was erected at the end of the 1800s.

Salmon fishing had a great boom in the years after 1870, when the market value of salmon and trout increased. This caused a great pressure on resources, which led to legal limits of the fishing season and the regulation of the use of tools. Salmon fishing provided good income for the landowners. It was an interesting form of fishing with relatively low investments. In addition, there was great excitement connected with the fishing and hope of the “great pull” and getting the seine full of silver-glimmering fish.

Straumen har vore sjølve grunnlaget for busetnad, næringsliv og samferdsle frå dei eldste tidene. For meir enn 6000 år sidan kom fangstfolka – laksefiskarane og hjortejegerane – og fann seg livd under Skipshelleren.


Gardane her ligg på store terrassar av aur og sand etter istida, bygde opp av den sterke straumen der Bolstadfjorden er på det smalaste. Sanden har gjeve inntekt og arbeidsplassar; ei nærings drift som har sett sitt stempel i lands kapet. Dei høge giljene fortel om ei anna inntektskjelde: laksefisket. Bolstadfjorden var ferdsleåra for Vosse bygd ene lenge før vegane og bruene si tid. Heller ikkje sjøv egen var fri for farar, og Dragebryggja vart bygd for å meistra dei sterke naturkreftene i straumen.


Landskapsmuseet – eit «økomuseum» – syner korleis naturkrefter og naturressursar har vore grunn leggjande for liv og busetnad gjennom mange tusen år. Kallestadbua, Stavnausta og Skulemuseet gjev eit nær bilete av daglegliv og byggjeskikk i seinare hundreår.

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See also

Places in muncipality