Vårsildfiske ved Espevær i 1850-åra

Spring herring fishery at Espevær in the 1850s

Spring herring fishery at Espevær in the 1850s. drawing by G.Stenersen. (in private ownership).

A True Gold Mine


In that year the adventure started at Christmas time. The scene is a rural district on the fjord in Sunnhordland, one winter’s day around 1850. We stand and gaze out over the sea, and suddenly the post boat comes into view around a headland: ”It was a six-oared boat with three men and they rowed so fast that they lay flat on the boards. In the prow stood an upright pole with a cloth or a piece of canvas, like a pennant. The course of the boat was making straight for the post opener’s house. ”Ahoy! Herring ahoy!” bellowed the shoemaker; suddenly he threw the board aside and leapt out in his woollen vest and his leather apron. 

”So early, before Christmas. Now each and everyone of us is in a hurry. Now Nedrevaagen will have to manage their own seine nets. It was in this way that the boat with the strange pole at the front had wakened things up everywhere along the fjord. On farms and in open spaces folk came out of their houses and stood and looked with their hands over their eyes after it. There was no doubt. Ahoy! Herring Ahoy”

See also