Kårstad, Veafjorden

Kårstad, Veafjorden

Kårstad, Veafjorden, an authentic grazing landscape. (Svein Nord).


Stamnes is situated between two headlands, old landing places for people who came from the north and west. Earlier on there were several burial mounds here, two of them were where the church is now situated- stone from the mounds is still to be found in the stone wall around the church. On these burial mounds there were large oaks, Håreikjæ and Kolleikjæ. They were thought to be old sacrificial places, and the first stave church at Stamnes was erected here. Later on a new church was built here in 1861.

The cultural landscape has changed; the settlement has developed at the fjord, the sandpits have cut into the hills. Around farms without roads at Veafjorden there is also well-kept cultural landscape, as at Kårstad, Vedå and Bukkastein.

Fleire stader nær Stamnes, på sørsida av sundet, finst framleis sår i terrenget etter uttak av gneis til brusteinsproduksjon. Store mengder vart leverte til Bergen i perioden 1871–1914. Gode døme på bruk i bergensgatene er Nedre Korskirkeallmenningen og Marken ved Lepramuseet. Ved Stamnes var det nærleiken til fjorden og tilgang til båttransport som gjorde brusteinsindustrien mogleg. Steinproduksjonen tok slutt då rimelegare stein frå Østfold kom på marknaden.

See also

Places in muncipality