The combination building at Nordvik. The dwelling house is joined together with the storehouse and the loft. (Svein Nord)


The farm of Nordvik lies by the Nordvik lake around 2 km from the highway at Reistad. Right up to the middle of 1600 there was only one settler there. During the population increase in the 1800s the farm was divided into several holdings and smallholdings. Today there are four properties.

The grounds, with deciduous forest oak groves and grazing fields, stretch down to the Nordvik lake, and there is a group of houses which has changed little from the turn of the 19th century. This is a beautiful and all-inclusive cultural landscape. On the farm is one of the oldest houses in Samnanger, with dwelling house, store and loft joined together in a characteristic row. The store with the loft above is thought to be from around 1700. The dwelling house is older, perhaps from the 1600s. The combination of dwelling house, store and loft is probably a type of construction that goes back to medieval times.

Nordbygda med Nordvikvatnet sentralt i biletet. (Bjørn Moe)

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See also

Places in muncipality