Lona in Røssebotnen is easily visible from the road after the hairpin turn by Høysæteravkjørsla, on the way toward Kvamskogen. Lona has gotten its name from the still part of the otherwise fast-moving Følands river (the Old Norwegian word "lon" means "still water”). It was the glacier that carved out the trough in the bedrock that eventually became a little lake. When the glacier receded, the loose sediment deposits were carried out into the water. These deposits were first laid down as a delta in the south end of the lake. A river plain was created when the water eventually got filled up. Later on, the river made curves (called "meander" bends) on this river plain.
Lona in April with less water. (Svein Nord)
One does not need much imaginationto see that where the river bends down in Røssebotnen, there has once been a lake. The landscape tells this - more clearly than any book.