Baroniet Rosendal (Svein Nord)

Rosendal Barony, Kvinnherad

The symmetry of the baroque style is prominent in the Barony, with two wings coming out from the main building, connected with a wall that forms the fourth wall in the castle construction.

Rosendal Barony

The Barony of Rosendal lies in the grounds of the old noble estate of Hatteberg, on the north side of the Hatteberg river, around one kilometre up from the sea. The three noble estates Seim, Mel and Hatteberg constituted the core of the large estate taken over by Ludvig Rosenkrantz in 1662, after he was married to Karen Mowat in 1658.

The beautiful main building was probably built in the years 1660-65, after Ludvig Rosenkrantz had taken over the noble estate of Hatteberg. Karen and Ludvig received Hatteberg as a wedding present. This is where they built their magnificent stone-castle, a luxury dwelling by Norwegian standards. In the middle of the wall there is a grand baroque portal with the coats of arms for both the Mowat and the Rosenkrantz families and the inscription: “Melius Mori In Libertate Quam Vivere In Servitute” (“Better to die in liberty than live in slavery”). The top piece of the coat of arms has the inscription “WB.Ludwich Rosenkrantz Fr. Karren Movath”. A somewhat simpler portal frames the main entrance on the south wing on the opposite side with the inscription: “Wer Gott vertrawet hat wol Gebawet. Anno 1662”. The building is constructed in stone, with corners of steatite and portals of sandstone.

According to history part of the stone has supposedly been taken from the medieval farm chapel of Mel, and Scottish bricklayers are supposed to have executed the work. The sandstone portals on the other hand must have been cut by Danish or North German craftsmen and exported to Rosendal ready cut.

The hipped roof with the little swing at the base of the roof, formerly had the form of a steeper hipped roof without a swing, covered in red tiles as is apparent on the painting by Hans Sager from 1705.

The garden was probably worked up just after the main building was erected. In Sager’s painting we can see a fenced-in renaissance garden with a “garden house” to the west of the castle.

The landscape park was further designed in three stages from around 1850 to the 1870s. Southwest of the old garden the old houses on the farm Hatteberg were pulled down and trees and bushes were planted. Only the smithy is left standing at the entrance to the park.

At the next stage a romantic natural garden was designed, with dams and bridges, south of the main building. In the middle of the garden a small summerhouse was erected on a small rock.

The third stage was the design of the park east of the castle. In the 1870s a nature park was created here with beech trees and pine trees.

The interior is rich and with rare authenticity. Here are rooms with French textile wallpaper from the 1600s, empire furniture made in Bergen and a large collection with the main emphasis on national romanticism.

Familiane Hoff Rosenkrone og Weis Rosenkrone på tur med vengjebåten i 1890 (ukjent, eigar Baroniet Rosendal).

Ludvig Rosenkrantz (eigar: Rosenholm slott (Danmark), repro utlånt av Baroniet Rosendal).

Karen Mowat (eigar: Rosenholm slott (Danmark), repro utlånt av Baroniet Rosendal).

Træo var ein av husmannsplasssane som låg direkte under Baroniet. Måleri av Lul Krag.

Kjøkkenhagen på Baroniet Rosendal har vakna til nytt liv etter ei omfattande restaurering med den opphavlege 1600-talshagen som førebilete. (Svein Nord)

Innføringa av eineveldet i 1660 hadde brodd mot den gamle danske riksrådsadelen. Kongen oppretta no ein ny titulæradel, med grevar og baronar i dei øvste rangklassane.


Denne adelen var i prinsippet open for «nye» ætter, med rot i borgarskapet. Den gamle adelen heldt seg lenge tilbake, men Rosenkrantzætta var eit unntak.


Det økonomiske grunnlaget var Ludvig Rosenkrantz sitt giftarmål med den rikaste arvingen i Noreg, Karen Mowat, i 1658. Ho var dotter til Axel Mowat på Hovland på Tysnes. Mellom Mowat`ane sitt jordegods i Kvinnherad var dei gamle adelege setegardane Mel, Hatteberg og Seim.


Barontittelen kosta Rosenkrantz mykje. For at eigedomen i 1678 skulle ha status som baroni, måtte Ludvig gje heile jordegodset til kongen og få det att som len. Då sat han der som ein friherre, med full domsrett og «hand- og halsrett» over bøndene. Men dersom mannslina døydde ut, gjekk godset vederlagsfritt attende til kongen. Alle sønene til Ludvig Rosenkrantz fall i krigsteneste, så nær som den vanføre Axel - «baron Klump». Han hadde ingen søner, og då han døydde, gjekk eigedomen tilbake til krona.


Godset kom på sal og i 1745 vart det kjøpt av Edvard Londemann, biskop og lektor i teologi ved Bergens katedralskole. Han fekk oppretta stamhuset Rosendal for seg og si ætt, og fekk barontittelen etter søknad. Han tok då namnet Londemann de Rosencrone. Dei gamle baronirettane galdt ikkje lenger, og arvereglane var meir liberale. Stamhuset gjekk no i arv gjennom fleire kvinneledd.


I 1927 vart eigedomen overdregen til Universitetet i Oslo under namnet «den Weis-Rosenkronske Stiftelse». I 1990 fekk Baroniet status som halvoffentleg museum, finansiert av staten, Hordaland fylkeskommune og Kvinnherad kommune.

Baroniet måla av Hans Sager i 1705 (W. Haraldsen, eigar Baroniet Rosendal).

Paddedammen og lysthuset (Svein Nord).

See also

Places in muncipality