Vegen gjennom Husedalen

The road through Husedalen

The road through Husedalen, from Kinsarvik up on to the Hardangervidda plateau is one of the old roads which give us an idea of how the “spearways” of the Middle Ages were. (Helge Sunde).



From “Spearway” to National Highway

1. “SPEARWAY (public road), tracks to the mountain pasture and cattle tracks shall remain as they were from ancient time). 2.When the spearway runs across a man’s property, he can lead that road outside his property on the condition that he builds a new road off his property as long as people can travel in dry or wet weather, then people can use that road even if it is longer. 3. Now the spearway shall be so wide that a man sitting on a saddled horse puts a spear shaft down on the ground and reaches with the tip up to the shaft holder, and the spear shall be one span long from there and up, and that you should put across the road and the road should not be broader than this. But if anyone should further spoil the meadow or the cornfield he should repair the damage.”

See also