Fjordabåtane går ut frå Vågen laurdag ettermiddag; eit vanleg syn til fram i 1960-åra (Norvin, eigar: Stein Thowsens billedsamling).
Transport and Communication
“On the quay at Bergen, there lay a boat,
So beautifully polished that it shone,
With fine masts and a funnel with tone.
And many sorts of goods she sheltered.
There comes the steamer, the old steamer
Put on your wooden clogs and run.
There comes the steamer, the old steamer.
Ding-a-ling, ding-a-long”
Ragnvald Hammer: Dar kjem dampen
Muralmenning around 1910. (unknown, owner: Billedsamlingen, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen (Bros. saml. 1092)).
The ferry between Alvøen and Brattholmen corresponded with the bus from Møvik. In 1971 the Sotra Bridge replaced this ferry service. (O. Schumann Olsen, owner: Billedsamlingen, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen (S.O 722)).
The “steamer” goes from Hernar. (O. Schumann Olsen, eigar: Billedsamlingen, Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen (S.O 1209)).
The steamship quay was an important social meeting place for rural folk. Salhus, 9th April 1940. From the left: Bakar Monsen, Jens Tellevik, Johan Rønhovde, murar Nils Eide, Johannes Vedå, fyrar Ole Nilsen, Nils Sjursen, Sigurd Hordvik, Bjarne Raknes, Oskar Nilsen, Bertil Hvitsten. (photo: Matias Sunde, loaned by Helge Sunde).