Vøringsfossen og Øvre Måbødalen frå utsikta ved Fossli Hotel. Dalen er skoren skeivt ned i eit eldre dalføre. (Helge Sunde)

Vøringsfossen waterfall and the Upper Måbødalen Valley, as seen from the viewpoint at Hotel Fossli.

Vøringsfossen waterfall and the Upper Måbødalen Valley, as seen from the viewpoint at Hotel Fossli. The current valley cuts crookedly into an older valley that was there from before. (Helge Sunde)

Måbødalen - geology


The old pack road had 1500 steps, where cars today gas through the mountain. The time of this hard work is over, and of getting used to the steep terrain, as well; only the view from the top is much the same as before. Vøringsfossen in summer is one of Western Norway’s biggest natural wonders. It marks the transition between the older, open part of the Sysendalen valley and the younger, narrow and winding valley of Måbødalen.

Upper Måbødalen valley ends abruptly at the precipice where Vøringsfossen comes thundering off the mountainside. Western Norway has many of these abrupt transitions between a younger narrower valley and an older, wider one. Earlier, Måbødalen Valley ended where the pack road makes its way towards Måbøberget (b in the diagram). Through several ice ages, glaciers and glacial rivers carved the end of the valley back towards the plateau. The younger part of the valley took its own path through the extension - it dug its way crookedly down into the northern side of Sysendalen Valley. The Vøringsfossen waterfall does not flow down the older part of the first valley by the viewpoint, but rather down the side of the end of the valley. But why did the new valley not dig its way along the bottom of the old valley?

A crooked cut into the valley like this one can only happen with the help of the ice during an ice age. Rivers will normally dig their way down the middle of a valley, but rivers with a thick layer of ice above them are able to find another path. The pressure of the ice pushes the water a little ways up from the valley bottom. This is what happened in Måbødalen: the river from the glacier under the ice got pressed out to both sides of the valley and water followed crevices up in the valley sides. The meltwater rivers also dug out canyons and potholes, which there are several of in this area.Not only was the newer valley remarkable in relation to the older Sysendalen, its course also ran crookedly, with east-west and north-south as the predominant directions. Where the directions of the crevices changed, usually at right angles to the first direction, the carving of the ice followed.

Most of the cracks in the mountainside in this area were also vertical. This is how the valley that formed thereafter became very steep - just like Vøringsfossen is today. This is the last stop for the big “backward-cutting” of the ice – at least for now.

Utviklinga av den krokete Måbødalen i tre stadium, frå før istidene til i dag. Før istidene rann elva gjennom eit slakt landskap (a), eit landskap Sysendalen er restar av. Gjennom vekslande istider og mellomistider (b viser dalen slik han kan ha sett ut under den siste mellomistida) vart Måbødalen graven ut, ein ung dal i den gamle dalen. Under den siste istida vart siste etappen i attendegravinga fullført – med dagens landskap som resultat (c). (Inge Aarseth/Kjell Helge Sjøstrøm/Masaoki Adachi)

Kvar gong det rasar stein ned i dei kjegleforma urene, er det som eit sandkorn har landa i eit overjordisk stort timeglas – «Selv Bjergene rinder ut,» slik Johannes V. Jensen uttrykkjer det etter ei reise ned Måbødalen. Dei mektige steinurene som er bygde opp på begge sider av dalbotnen, er eit resultat av steinsprang etter istida frå det oppsprokne fjellet. Slik blir dalen sakte utvida. I neste istid vil urene bli sopte vekk av breen som nyttar dei som «sandpapir» i den vidare gravinga.

See also

Places in muncipality