The Haugsdal delta with Storholmen and the lower part of Haugsdalen. Inwards into the valley, we can see flat terraces - "dried out" deltas that were originally deposited out in the fjord when the sealevel was higher and reached farther in than today. (Bjørn Moe)



Early in the 1900s there were much larger salt water deltas in Hordaland. But, essentially all of the larger river deltas got filled in and regulated for use in industry during the last century. Now, there is only Haugsdals delta left.

This natural archive lies only a short distance from the European Highway, down the old road through Haugsdalen valley. The river delta is influenced by agriculture and the water levels by the power station, but there are few constructions to lead the river water away, as is known to occur other places. The water prevails, and the river decides itself where it wants to run out into Haugsdalsvågen Bay.

Haugsdalsvågen Bay is naturally shallow, and therefore the water becomes relatively warm on sunny days. Where the river water flows out, the fresh water flows on top of the brackish fjord water. When the tide comes in, the brackish water flows inwards, reaching a good ways up into the river. Such transition zones are usually highly biologically productive.

There are almost always gulls in this area. Haugsdalselva River and the nutrient-rich delta also have a good population of Common Sandpiper. In nesting season we can see Lapwing, Oystercatcher and Red Shank. Also flocks of Mallards collect on the delta outside of the hectic nesting period. A few pairs of Red-breasted Merganser are nearly always to be seen, probably because they feed on the stickleback. But most of all, the Haugsdalselva River is known for its sea trout fishing. The river is among the very best sea trout fishing rivers in the county. The most popular fishing site for sea trout is nonetheless in the bay outside. The sea trout has, in contrast to the salmon, so far done just fine in this river, despite the regulation of water levels and the acidity.

Today's river delta is the last in a long chain of deltas in this area. Several flat terraces in the lower part of the valley are the remains of older river deltas. Through thousands of years, the river has transported sediments down through Haugsdalen, and these deposits ended up as deltas in the fjord. As the land gradually rose after the Ice Age, the old deltas were left high and dry. In the next round, the river cut down through the dry surfaces and took along some of the deposits, to steadily lower-lying deltas out through the bay. In the middle of the river mouth, a sand bank was deposited with a river channel on each side, as we see at Storholmen today.

Haugsdalen er eit typisk døme på ein liten vestlandsdal, sjølv om kraftutbygging har endra naturen noko. Dalretningane speglar av to sprekkeretningar i berggrunnen, nord-sør og nordaust-sørvest, som elva utnytta i gravinga si. Isbreane har jamna ut retningane slik at dalen har fått store avrunda svingar. Isbrear har i tillegg grave mange trau der det no ligg innsjøar. Mellom innsjøane renn elva ofte i stryk eller fossar, slik at lengdeprofilet får ein trappeforma utsjånad (teikninga).


Den øvre delen av Haugsdalsvassdraget er lite endra sidan den gongen elva rann heilt ut til Fedje, ved Holmengrå, før ho nådde sjøen. Då istidene seinare sette inn, var det landskapet lenger vest som først fekk bryna seg på dei enorme kreftene i breen. Rett nok grov breane ut nokre mindre vatn på fjellet inst i dalføret, men det var danninga av fjorden og den djupe delen av dalen som var hovudverket. Etter kvart som fjorden vart utgraven og avstanden frå fjell til fjord minka, vart dalen brattare. Elv og bre fekk dermed samla kreftene med å grava seg ned i landskapet. Derfor er dalen brattast og yngst heilt nedst, der skred no prøver å jamna ut dei bratte fjellsidene. (Inge Aarseth/Eva Bjørseth)

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See also

Places in muncipality