Samlingstund for låvesvaler – ein sein augustkveld i takrøyra ved Ulvenvatnet. (Ingvar Grastveit)

Gathering place for the barn swallows

Gathering place for barn swallows – in the reed beds of Lake Ulvenvatnet on an evening in late August. (Ingvar Grastveit)



Lake Ulvenvatnet is thought to be the most species rich wetlands in the municipality. Despite this, the area is not protected, nor is it likely ever to be.

Even though there are many species, few of them are abundant. For example, only a few mating pairs of Eurasian Teal, tufted ducks, Mallards and Red Shank are found here. The Lapwing is more common. In addition, a pair of the rare Coot have sometimes nested here. The Mute Swan has also tried its luck at Lake Ulvenvatnet, the only place in Hordaland where it has attempted to nest. Some people maintain that rare birds like the Spotted Crake and Little Grebe also have once nested here. One of Hordaland's largest colonies of nesting sand swallows was previously found at a sand pit at Ulven. But after the sand pit was dug out the swallows disappeared along with the sand.

Lake Ulvenvatnet is more important as a migration locality than as a nesting place. In late autumn several tens of Snipe can be seen resting on the marshes by the lake. The rare Jack Snipe is more common here than any other place in Hordaland. But, this species will never be very common, given its behaviour. Sometimes it is so reluctant to move that it gets trampled on.

There is a high production of midges and other insects at Lake Ulvenvatnet , but this is rarely a nuisance for hikers. The insects tend to fly high - as can be measured by the swallows hunting them intensely at dusk. Several unusual species of dragonfly have also been found, as well as some that probably have never been described. Lake Ulvenvatnet is fertile, with vegetation all along the water's edge. There is a thick belt of reeds in the middle of the north side of the lake, and this is where the birds prefer to sleep. Food is found other places. The birds get their most important nourishment from wherever the extensive aquatic plants water horsetail, beaked sedge and great bulrush grow.

The bird life has adapted to living in the proximity of a military practice area, but the terns that nest on an islet in the north end of the lake are better able to steer clear of the noise. Neither did the barn swallows seem to be especially keen when their night's sleep was disrupted by cannon fire at the Ulven camp. By the way, one fat carp leaping in the water can sometimes have the same affect on nocturnal peace. 

At Ulvenvatnet har eit rikt fugleliv, har vore kjent sidan 1960-talet. Men det var først i 1993 ein oppdaga at store mengder låvesvaler overnatta i takrøyrbeltet i vatnet.


Ringmerking har vist at svalene kjem frå eit stort omland, frå Austrheim i nord til Jæren i sør.Overnattinga tek til i juli og held fram til midten av september. Det er mest ungfuglar av året som samlar seg. Dei er urøynde fuglar, som må forlata «farsgarden» når foreldra tek til med det andre kullet av året. Der dei møtest, samlar dei gjerne røynsler og krefter før dei skal finna vegen til Sør-Afrika, 10 000 kilometer borte, utan hjelp frå fuglar som har vore der før.


Ulvenvatnet er ein av dei viktigaste av dei 35–40 overnattingsplassane for låvesvaler i Noreg. Einskilde kveldar kan her vera mellom 5000 og 10 000 fuglar. Truleg er det stor trafikk mellom Ulvenvatnet og Purkebolsvatnet i Austrheim, som ligg 90 kilometer unna. Derfor varierer mengdene mykje frå år til anna og frå dag til dag.

See also

Places in muncipality