On Gramshaug, close to the road, there is an area with rock paintings from the Bronze Age. Although little is left after 3000 years of degradation, we can observe that the motifs correspond with other similar areas in Sunnhordland/Hardanger; cross wheel, rings and parts of boat figures. The paintings have their origin in a farming society, where sun and crops have been key cult elements.
Teikninga syner eit forsøk på rekonstruksjon av Gramshaug-ristningane. Dei fylte felta syner figurane slik dei står i dag. (teikning av Geir Sør-Reime.)
The Gramshaug rock paintings.
The drawings are an attempt to reconstruct the Gramshaug rock paintings. The filled in sections show the figures as they appear today. (drawing by Geir Sør-Reime.)