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hans h. steinsund
hans emil lidén
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ullensvang, frå 2020 del av nye ullensvang kommune.
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krigsplass / war site
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øy / island
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skulehus / school building
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ulukke / accident
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fyrlykt / lighthouse
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peter helland-hansen
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sund / strait
veg / road
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nils georg brekke
hermund kleppa
stein byrkjeland
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bjørn moe
haakon fossen
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hans emil lidén
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william helland-hansen
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kjell-ragnar berge
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årstein svihus
aud karin skagen
kari larsen
øystein jansen
ronny b. skaar
sigrid h.h. kaland
tore lande moe
anders kåre engevik
atle nesje
ernst berge drange
herman g.gade
anders haaland
aslak t. helleve
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hans emil liden
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arne tislavoll
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olav aas
peter emil kaland
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aslak l.helleve
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geir h. johnsen
geir h.johnsen
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gunnstein kolstad
haakon fossen, nils georg brekke, atle sollesnes
håkon austrheim
hanne svarstad
hans emil lidé
harald johan sandvik
helge askvik
helge sandøy
helge sunde
henrik von achen
hilde sandvik
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inge reinsnos
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j. riis-simonsen
jan henrik munksgaard
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johannes gjerdåker
john-inge svendsen
johs. fosse
jon søvik
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jostein mæland
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kåre dalland
kåre dalland
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kari losnedahl
kari shetelig hovland
karl johan haugland
kjersti randers
knut andreas bergsvik
knut fægri
knut kjerland
knut krzywinski
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kuvvet atakan
laura marie fure
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liv janne kvåle
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malvin toft
marit nybø
morten hage
nils georg brekke
nils o. golten
odd standal
oddvar natvik
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ove gjerde
øystein frøiland
per m. bremnes
per m. bremnes
ralph wilson
randi andersen
randi andersen
randolf knotten
reidar storaas
reidar storaas
rolf braadland
rolf orheim
samson l. øpstad
sigrid h.h. kaland
sigrid h.h.kaland
ståle dyrvik
statens vegvesen
stein bondevik
stein byrkjelan
stein byrkjeland, svein indrelid
stein erik gilj
stein erik lauritzen
stephan tschudi madsen
svein indrelid, arne tislavoll
svein olaf dahl
sverre haugen
tore lande mo
tore lande moe
tor lunde
ture andersen
vidar valen
villand reutz
wenche eide
wigdis jorunn espeland
william helland-hansen
hans h. steinsund
hans emil lidén
Facet Forfatter
Showing 20 of 60 results
Many-sided activities vital in Solund
Jordbruk / Farming
Fiske / Fishing
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
In order to survive on the rugged islands in the west, the people had to harvest from the sea as well as from the land. The money came more easily fro...
Farm flour mills in Solund
Mølle / Mill
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
Few associate grain cultivation with the Solund landscape. Nonetheless, even in the smallest of streams there are visible signs of flour milling. Le...
Ospa - idyll with dramatic war history
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 30.08.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
In 1943, the motor torpedo boat MTB 345 had to go in to Ospa in Solund because it ran out of fuel. It could not go on, and was detected by German pl...
Indrøy trading post
Hamn / Port
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
Clearly visible in the shipping lane of Ytre Steinsund, the trading post of Indrøy is situated. It is a striking example of how a self-made man buil...
The sheepfold - beauty shop of the wild sheep
Plass / Spot
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
Granite stone fences on to a crag, with green patches around and stones rolled to the side on the beach to make room for the rowboat: the sheepfold ...
Oyster cultivation in Solund
Jordbruk / Farming
Fiske / Fishing
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
The rugged Solund coastline has a wealth of small, round fjords with narrow outlets, called "polls", bays, and coves which are well suited for the cul...
Wartime Shetland traffic - fishing boats go west
Transport / Transport
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
A short distance to Shetland and a rugged coastline with good harbours and excellent hiding places for people and vessels were the reasons why Solun...
Settlements, Villages, Towns
Published: 06.02.2024
Nils Georg Brekke
Hans Emil Lidén
Through Adolph Tidemand’s detailed close-ups of smokehouses in Kvam, the vicarage in Vikøy, where he lived during his painting trips through Hardanger...
Ambulatory school in Solund, a "round dance" from door to door
Skulehus / School building
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
When the very first primary school saw the light of day on the Solund islands, the archipelago was divided into two districts of roughly equal size. T...
The potato shipwreck at Seglsteinen
Skipsvrak / Ship wreck
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
In the pitch-dark night in December 1944, a German convoy is sailing north across the waters of Sognesjøen. No lighthouses are lit, yet the leader b...
Utvær "skipreide" - area of defence with "leidang" ships and beacons
Øy / Island
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
The Solund islands are on the doorstep of communication across the North Sea, centrally and strategically, with good harbours and plenty of hiding p...
Hugøy - signal station on Hugøyknolten
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
Drawn back on the highest knoll, and built into the terrain, the lookout post at Hugøy was located, difficult to detect from the shipping lanes in t...
Tungodden - signal station in a rain of bullets
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
It is hard to believe that the Germans would build a signal station on the outermost point of Oddenova. The temptation became too great for the alli...
Begla - weapons depot with sinister shadows
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
The bay of Beglevågen in westernmost Solund must be the smallest in the country. Here the resistance movement had a weapons depot during the Second ...
Oldra - big arms depot in rock cave
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
During the Second World War, there was on the island of Oldra a depot with large quantities of weapons and other war materials. The depot was disclo...
Ships going down and running aground in Solund
Ulukke / Accident
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
The archipelago of Solund was brutal for sailing vessels in strong westerly winds. But motor vessels went wrong as well, with tragic consequences. A...
Storsundet - important base for resistance activity during the war
Krigsplass / War site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
Storsundet in Solund became an important base and a hub for resistance activity in the Sogn district during the war. The Shetland traffic used the p...
The salteries - sea houses moved from the trading posts
Sjøbu / Sea house
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
A large number of houses from the westernmost parts of Solund have been on the move. Still, none have been more exposed and have tasted more of the ...
Ancient relics in bog and stone
Historisk plass / Historical site
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
The rocky ground in Solund did not invite people to carve art into it. But there were numerous shelters which were suitable as living quarters for t...
"Springar" from Solund
Musikk / Music
Published: 07.07.1999
Hans H. Steinsund
A variant of the traditional folk dance "springdans" is the Solund "springar". This dance, and fiddle music written down after fiddle players in wes...
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