Innarsøyane mot Holmengrå. (Blom Norkart Mapping)

Innarsøyane toward Holmengrå.

Innarsøyane toward Holmengrå. (Blom Norkart Mapping)



The sea in Outer Fens Fjord is rich in fish and plankton. These nutrients are the basis of existence for the healthy sea bird colonies on Innarsøyene. Also the harbour seal has discovered the area - the open fjord and surrounding islands are among the surest places for seeing them in these parts.

It is above all the numerous gulls and terns that make up the activity on Innarsøyane. It is not permitted to go on land, making it difficult to observe the most special of birds: the Ruddy Turnstone. Even in good years, they do not number more than 3-5 pairs. Despite this, these make up the biggest single occurrence in Hordaland. Innarsøyane is also a good nesting area for Puffins and Grey Goose, and it is also home to a few pairs of Black Guillemots.

The Shag does not nest here, but a lesser colony is becoming established on Holmengrå. In winter there are a lot of cormorants in this area, mostly Greater Cormorants, but also a good deal Shags. Most of the shags that nest in southern Norway overwinter from Sunn Fjord and southward toward Fens Fjord. Otherwise, this area is rich in Long-tailed Duck in the winter.

Steinvendarar. Arten hekkar på Innarsøyane, men viser seg òg i småflokkar om vinteren. (Ingvar Grastveit)

Places in muncipality