In several places Kors fjord is more than 600 metres deep. Daylight never reaches this far down, and the pressure is about 60 times greater than at the surface.
Nonetheless, there is a diversity of sealife to be found, even at these depths. Along the south slope of Kors Fjord one finds some of the richest coral reefs in Western Norway. In such reefs, fish such as Norway redfish and cusk live in great numbers. Near the deep sea gorgonian corals, we often find the giant clam: Acesta excavata, who almost always lives together in small groups.
The fisherman usually know where to find the giant halibut localities in the deep water along the coast and in the fjords. This is knowledge they tend to keep to themselves. Then, it is easier to talk about the beautiful, but deadly poisonous ghost shark. At a safe distance for most fisherman, on the bottom of Kors Fjord, there is a good stock.
The animal life of the deep sea is poorly documented. We know a lot about Kors Fjord, nonetheless, because this has been a favourite research area for marine biologists at the University of Bergen. Kors Fjord is one of four areas in Hordaland that is recommended to become a protected marine area because of its unique underwater character and diversity.