The new road was opened in 1865; along the vertical mountainside on the east side of Sandvinvatnet (lake), through the waterfall landscape in the Odda valley, up the hairpin bends in Seljestadjuvet, across Røldal mountain, up Austmannalia and Tarjebudalen, in front of Svandalsflona and Midtlæger, through Dyrskard and across Ulevå to Telemark. Only in 1887 was the road completed down to Dalen. In the summer this was both an attractive and comfortable travelling route between East Norway and West Norway; important for the development of tourism. Today’s road still largely follows the same route. At Dyrskard, the highest point of the route, lies the old construction hut. This was also used by those who cleared the road in the spring, a slow and heavy work. A common technique was to “bait” the snow by throwing earth on top of it to make it melt more quickly. Hordaland road administration has restored the hut – a small, but important cultural monument in this exposed mountain pass. The name Dyrskard is probably from prehistoric times; in this case dyr (animals) means reindeer; as now, this was the most important trek for the reindeer flocks between Hardangervidda and Suldalsheiene.
Dyrskard with the restored construction hut. (Helge Sunde).
Right from the start the road across Haukelifjell was a road from “fjord to fjord”, from the bottom of Sørfjorden to Dalen in Telemark. The connection between Røldal-Haukelifjell was considered so important by Stortinget (Parliament) that the road construction Odda-Dalen was approved already in 1853.
For den som kjem frå aust, er Austmannalia det første møtet med den vestlandske fjellheimen. Der vegen i dag snor seg i spiral inne i fjellet – lik den vidgjetne lindormen som etter segna vart brend på eit berg i Tarjebudalen ovanom Austmannalia – ligg gamlevegen i slyng ned lia, verna som eit veghistorisk minne.
Men den mest dramatiske naturen møter vi på den andre fjellovergangen frå Røldal; over Røldalsfjellet og ned Seljestadjuvet med utsynet mot Folgefonna i nordvest. Vegen, som ligg i knappe, oppmura hårnålssvingar ned Gorsbotnen, vart bygd i 1859-65. På den andre sida av juvet ser vi dei omhugsame murane under ein eldre kløvveg.
I Seljestadjuvet står det ei minnestøtte like ved vegen: «Reist til minne om postfører G. Turtveit. Begravet i 56 timer under sneskred 3/1 1903. Grov seg ut med posthornet.»
Postruta over fjellet frå Røldal til Seljestad og Odda vart halden oppe som skipostrute heilt fram til 1955. Minnestøtta er ei påminning om kva realitetane i valspråket for Postverket kunne ha å seia i praksis for dei som heldt oppe sambandet – på ski eller til fots – i høgfjellet vintersdag.