Arctic hunting folk on their way across the ice. Is this the way the first human beings reached our country – across the ice from the North Sea Continent? (Photo from the 5th Thule Expedition 1921-24).(photo: Knud Rasmussen, owner: Etnologisk Samling, Nationalmuseet, København (neg. nr. 1700)).
The forgotten saga
The saga regarding the settlement of Hordaland started off about 10,000 years ago. Most of this saga has been recorded in writing, not on paper, but on stone and on the earth in the forest and the marshes. Contemporary written sources that can tell us of life and fate in the distant times only go back about 1,000 years. Further back the sources are silent. All memories are forgotten. He who wishes to know something about the times before that will have to turn to the silent testimony from distant ancestors; the menhirs and stone crosses, to grave mounds along the routes, to inscriptions on the rock. Such great monuments from the past speak directly to us, and can convey to us something of the forgotten saga.
The relationship between land, the ice and the sea about 10,000 years ago. West of Hordaland, on the Viking Bank, there may have been a large low-lying island. (after: Blystad, P. (1989) Nordsjøen i seinkvartær tid. Stavanger, Archaeological Museum in Stavanger. Part of the series "AmS-rapport", volume 1).