Short biography
In the book Stortingsval og stortingsmenn i Sogn og Fjordane 1814 - 1970 we find this biography:
"Ivar Lykke Falch Lind, born at Førde on 27 February 1870, son of bailiff Edvard Mathias Falch and Birgitte Julie Neerland. Master of Law 1893, deputy bailiff at Kinn and Vevring the same year, appointed bailiff in the same district from 1902, chief of police for Fjordane from 1921 to 1940. Acting county governor 1926-1928. Mayor of Kinn from 1923 to 1928. Sat on the board of directors of the banks Kinn Sparebank and Ulvesund Kreditbank. Died in Bergen 2 July 1951. Married to Sigrid Skridshol.
Chief of police Ivar Lind (1870-1951), "1905 Storting representative" from Florø for the term 1903-1906.
Represented the conservative party "Høgre". Was 3. representative from Nordre Bergenhus Amt 1903-1906 (the present Sogn og Fjordane county), and deputy representative from the Kinn election district 1910-1912."
Florø - "my real home."
In the book "Florø 100 år", 1960, we find the following reference:
"Chief of police Ivar Lind (1870-1951) was one of the Storting representatives in 1905. He was bailiff at Kinn, later chief of police for Fjordane. He spent most of his long working life in Florø, and throughout the years he was a good man for the city and the districts.
He knew the hardy people out by the ocean, and through his working career, he earned respect by his fine demeanour. At 33, he was elected representative to the Storting, where he served for a term of three years from 1903 to 1906. From 1926 to 1929, he served as acting county governor of Sogn og Fjordane when Christensen was government minister. For a while, he was also editor of the paper Nordre Bergenhus Amtstidende.
The street Torggata in Florø in the 1890s. The houses on the left side are still there.
Chief of police Ivar Lind received the 7 June Medal and King Haakon VII's Jubilee Medal.
For the last few years of his life, he lived in Bergen, but we can clearly see that his thoughts often roamed to his home town when we read the conclusion of his article in Kjenn Ditt Land's Florø-hefte, in 1950:
"I wish for a happy future for the city that has given me so much pleasure, and that I feel so attached to, that I will always think of it with much gratitude and consider it my real home."
The Florø city council named a street after the city patriot, Ivar Linds gate.
Biographical information from Denmark
Ivar Lykke Falch Lind was the great-uncle of Hans Falch in Denmark. He sent a photograph of Ivar Falch Lind and some supplementary biographical information.
"Ivar Lykke Falch (Lind), born 27 February 1870, at Førde, Sunnfjord, died 2 July 1951, buried 5 July 1951 at Korskirken in Bergen. In 1872, he came to live with - and was brought up by - the bailiff Olaus M. Lind, born 1824, died 1902, son of procurator Andreas Gunnerus Lind, born 1787, died 1851, married to Maria Caspara Berg, born 1803 in Fjaler, died 1882, daughter of vicar Ole Berg in Holmedal and wife Andrea Birgitte Preus, born 1776, died 1834, married to Dorothea Kristine Magnusine Høst, born 1832, died 1906, daughter of palace steward in Oslo Ude Jocob Høst and wife Barbra Fougner."