The farm women had to use much of their time on washing clothes. Usually one whole day a week, or a couple of days every other week they leant over the washing basins and washing boards. On the islands out on the coast they often had a fixed washing place at the lake on the island. In the fjord country the washing place was by a stream or a river. If several women did their main wash on the same day, it could be a pleasant if wearing period of work. (Knud Knudsen, owner: Picture collection, University Library in Bergen (KK 3433 (13x18))). (section)
The Women in Farmhouse Life
“Lack of cleanliness is one of the ugliest habits of the coastal population. It gets into everything ... into the living room where the whole family spends day and night, where meals are eaten, where there is often cooking, where wet clothes are dried, there you come upon filth which, in many areas is quite amazing. Sweeping is done sparingly and several weeks and even months can go by, without washing.”…
“The housewife from Hamre”, 1875. Knitting was a fixture of daily life. Every available moment had to be used; in the house or on the way to the mountain pasture. (Knud Knudsen, owner: Picture collection, University Library in Bergen (KK 1645), utsnitt).