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Showing 20 of 118 results
The pale linden tree in the Nærøyfjord - a botanical curiosity
Plante / Plant
Published: 02.02.2002
Hermund Kleppa
Close to the head of the Nærøyfjord, a short distance up from the sea straight across the fjord from Bakka, we find the pale linden tree (lime tree). ...
The Sivle memorial at Flåm
Monument / Monument
Published: 25.04.2002
Hermund Kleppa
A number of memorial stones for the author Per Sivle have been erected, - on his grave in Drammen, at Stalheim, at Voss and at Elverum. In Aurland t...
The Slinde birch tree
Plante / Plant
Published: 29.04.2002
Hermund Kleppa
The famous Slinde birch blew down in an autumn storm in 1874, but thanks to many painters, it is still very much ¿alive". Thomas Fearnley¿s painting...
The memorial stone from Nornes at Sogn Folkemuseum
Historisk monument / Historical monument
Published: 18.06.2002
Hermund Kleppa
At Nornes in Sogndal there used to be three ancient memorial stones. Bishop Neuman refers to three of these in the early 19th century. I. C. Dahl pain...
War grave at Selje church - Oluf Ingebrigtsen Aarsheim
Person / Person
Gravstein / Gravestone
Published: 03.04.2003
Hermund Kleppa
On Friday 19 October, 1945, the Selje church was filled to capacity by village people and others. The occasion was the funeral for Oluf Ingebrigtsen A...
Sogns Tidend - local newspaper 1877-1947
Avis / Newspaper
Published: 06.06.2003
Hermund Kleppa
The local newspaper 'Sogns Tidend' was published in the years between 1877 and 1947 - the first few decades in Lærdal, but from 1903 in Sogndal. Durin...
War grave at Novelandet
Person / Person
Gravstein / Gravestone
Published: 02.07.2003
Hermund Kleppa
Nearly 120 000 Americans lost their lives in the First World War, most of these at the front in France. One of them was Lorents Bakke from Bremanger. ...
War grave at Selje - Peder Sandvik
Person / Person
Gravstein / Gravestone
Published: 14.01.2004
Hermund Kleppa
"In a statement from the chief command of the Norwegian Royal Navy he died on his post for the country." These words are written in the death notice o...
War grave at Selje - Reidar Drage
Person / Person
Gravstein / Gravestone
Published: 14.01.2004
Hermund Kleppa
On 15 April, 1946, the cargo on a motor boat loaded with German ammunition caught fire on her way to a dumping site in Nordfjord. People jumped overbo...
Remnants of a concrete base on the island of Silda - traces of an unusual shipwreck
Ulukke / Accident
Published: 14.01.2004
Gunnar Silden
Hermund Kleppa
On the night of 13 January 1925, SS "Aladdin" ran aground on the eastern side of Silda. The whole crew survived this dramatic accident, but it meant t...
The Tunold stone at Selje
Monument / Monument
Published: 18.02.2004
Hermund Kleppa
The artist Bernt Tunold, born at Selje on 25 February, 1877, died in Bergen on 23 January, 1946, is held to be one of the great painters from wester...
The school at Svanøy
Skule / School
Published: 24.06.2004
Hermund Kleppa
The Svanøy school is located in the centre of the island. There are two buildings, the old school from 1874, and a new, modern building from 1982, wit...
Johan Schumann - sheep farmer at Hovden
Person / Person
Published: 27.09.1999
Hermund Kleppa
On a crag on the island of Hovden to the west of Florø stands a three-metre-high stone in commemoration of Johan Schumann. The memorial stone was e...
Millennium stone at Holsen
Monument / Monument
Published: 23.11.2001
Hermund Kleppa
At the turn of the millennium 1900-2000millennium stoneswere erected in many places. At Holsen a stone was put up on the millennium spot in the distri...
"the picturesque Kvinnefos waterfall"
Foss / Waterfall
Published: 31.05.2007
Hermund Kleppa
In 1900 the topographer Amund Helland described the river of Kvinnaelva with these few words: ".. a short watercourse, running southwards - with the p...
Menhir at Holmedal
Historisk monument / Historical monument
Published: 02.10.2000
Hermund Kleppa
In the summer of 1999 Harald Bakke from Holmedal rescued a menhir from ending up at the bottom of the sea. The stone had lain in the pebbles, and ...
Memorial stone for the brothers Asbjørn and Vemund Melvær
Monument / Monument
Published: 11.10.2000
Hermund Kleppa
Magnus and Marie Melvær lost their two sons during the war 1940-1945. Asbjørn, born 1908, died in captivity in Germany. Vemund, born 1922, was los...
The memorial monument at Ålfoten
Monument / Monument
Published: 11.10.2000
Hermund Kleppa
A short distance below the church at Ålfoten there is a 4.5-metre-high stone monument to commemorate soldiers from Ålfoten who took part in the war ...
The runic stone at Barmen
Historisk monument / Historical monument
Published: 11.10.2000
Hermund Kleppa
On the island of Barmen there is rune stone ¿south along the shore". The runes date from the elder futhark alphabet with 24 signs. The inscription has...
Plaque commemorating the missionary Hans Schreuder at Kjørnes
Plakett / Plaque
Published: 11.10.2000
Hermund Kleppa
The missionary Hans Schreuder - the apostle of the Zulu people - was born in Sogndal. In 1992, mission friends erected a memorial stone in his honour....
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