In memory and honour
The memorial stone is located at their childhood farm, the northernmost at Melvær. On the stone is inscribed: BRØRNE ASBJØRN OG VEMUND MELVÆR FALL I KRIGEN ÅR 1944. DEI GAV ALT FOR FRIDOM OG FEDRELAND. TIL MINNE OM DEI ER DENNE BAUTA REIST I TAKKSEMD OG VYRDNAD AV SLEKT OG SAMBYGDINGAR (the brothers Asbjørn and Vemund Melvær fell in the war year 1944. They gave their lives for freedom and nation. In their memory this stone is erected in gratitude and respect by family and the local community).
Memorial ceremony at the stone at Melvær in 1995, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Peace, on 8 May 1945. The area around the memorial stone has been changed a little since the stone was erected. Stones and chains have been replaced by flagstones.
The unveiling ceremony
The stone was erected in 1947 and unveiled on 20 May, five years after Asbjørn was arrested, on 20 May 1942. The vicar R. Håskoll spoke, and an air force officer laid a wreath. On 8 May 1995, a ceremony was held at the stone at the 50th anniversary of the Peace.
On Asbjørn Melvær in the book Våre falne (our fallen)
MELVÆR, ASBJØRN, fisherman and farmer, Askvoll. Born 17 May 1908 at Askvoll, son of farmer and fisherman Magnus Melvær, born 1877 and Maria née Vilnes, born 1878, both at Askvoll. Married 1935 in Bergen to Hildur Johanne Knoff Strøm, born 1914. Three children.
Asbjørn Melvær (1908-1944).
Was active in receiving arms from England and hiding them. Arrested on 20 May 1942 and taken to prison in Bergen, from there to the camps of Ulven and Grini. On 30 September 1943, taken to Natzweiler, where he died on 3 November 1944.
Acccording to Rigmor Norheim, Asbjørn's daughter, Asbjørn survived Natzweiler and was later taken to Dautmergen, a prison camp under Dachau.
On Vemund Melvær in the book Våre falne (our fallen)
MELVÆR, VEMUND, fisherman, gunman, Askvoll. Born 1 February 1922 at Askvoll. (....) Secondary school. Went to England 12 August 1941 and joined the Air Force. Took several courses and became a gunman in the Naval Air Force, 330 Squadron, on Shetland. On 4 October 1944, his aircraft was on mission after U-Boats in the North Sea, and never returned. War medal post mortem. King Haakon VII's 70 Year Medal.