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nils georg brekke
hermund kleppa
stein byrkjeland
anders gjerde
inge aarseth
bjørn moe
haakon fossen
svein indrelid
sigurd vengen
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ernst berge drange
herman g.gade
anders haaland
aslak t. helleve
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arne tislavoll
erling virkesdal
jan mangerud
mons kvamme
olav aas
peter emil kaland
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rigmor navekvien (1935 - )
stein byrkjeland
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aslak l.helleve
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haakon fossen, nils georg brekke, atle sollesnes
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hans emil lidén
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hilde sandvik
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j. riis-simonsen
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johannes gjerdåker
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johs. fosse
jon søvik
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jostein mæland
kaare tønneberg
kåre dalland
kåre dalland
kåre ness
kari losnedahl
kari shetelig hovland
karl johan haugland
kjersti randers
knut andreas bergsvik
knut fægri
knut kjerland
knut krzywinski
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kuvvet atakan
laura marie fure
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nils o. golten
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øystein frøiland
per m. bremnes
per m. bremnes
ralph wilson
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randi andersen
randolf knotten
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reidar storaas
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rolf orheim
samson l. øpstad
sigrid h.h. kaland
sigrid h.h.kaland
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stein bondevik
stein byrkjelan
stein byrkjeland, svein indrelid
stein erik gilj
stein erik lauritzen
stephan tschudi madsen
svein indrelid, arne tislavoll
svein olaf dahl
sverre haugen
tore lande mo
tore lande moe
tor lunde
ture andersen
vidar valen
villand reutz
wenche eide
wigdis jorunn espeland
william helland-hansen
finn borgen førsund
Facet Forfatter
Showing 20 of 26 results
Sogn og Fjordane central county hospital
Sjukehus / Hospital
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Dokumentet inneheld xml-feil! An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 2646....
Sunnfjord Hotell
Losji / Accommodation
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Sunnfjord Hotell opened for business in 1968. The initiative was local, many local shareholders were behind it, and the inhabitants of Førde have al...
The shirt factory at Selje
Fabrikk / Factory
Published: 25.11.2002
Finn Borgen Førsund
"Selje Skjortefabrikk" is located in the centre of Selje. The factory was built in a village without any other industry after the Second World War. Th...
Florø Hospital
Sjukehus / Hospital
Published: 25.11.2002
Finn Borgen Førsund
The first county hospital in Sogn og Fjordane was completed in Florø in 1933. It was based on the old Red Cross Hospital from 1926, which again was es...
The old bank building
Bank / Bank
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
"Gamlebanken" is the popular name of the house which Førde Sparebank (Førde Savings Bank) had built in 1901 and moved into in 1902. Its address is K...
Firda Billag
Billag / Bus company
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Firda Billag is the biggest automobile company in the county of Sogn og Fjordane. It is owned by 13 municipalities and has its headquarters in Førde...
The composer Johannes Haarklou
Musikk / Music
Musikkverk / Musical work
Person / Person
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Johannes Haarklou (1847 - 1925) won for himself a prominent position in Norwegian music in the period 1880 - 1925. He was a composer, a music review...
The author Kristian Elster the Elder
Person / Person
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Kristian Mandrup Elster (1841-1881) was the first of four authors whose background was in the senior public official environment in Førde, and who a...
The author Ole Wilhelm Fasting
Person / Person
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Ole Wilhelm Fasting (1852-1915) was a vicar's son from Førde. He was an engineer, and worked for many years at Bergens Tekniske Skole (school of eng...
The author Kristian Elster the Younger
Person / Person
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Kristian Elster the Younger (1881-1947) had deep roots in the upper public officials circle in Førde. Evidence of this can be found in his writings....
Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane
Forretningsbygg / Commercial building
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Starting in the 1960s, comprehensive mergers of banks into larger units have taken place. This process started only in the 1970s in the county of So...
The warehouses and boathouses at Kalvåg
Bygd / Village
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Kalvåg enjoys a sheltered location on the eastern side of the island of Frøya. Throughout many centuries this was a good harbour for fishermen in the ...
Hydroelectric power and industry at Svelgen
Bygd / Village
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
In Bremanger the water resources formed the basis for the development of the industrial town of Svelgen. It took some time before any establishment ...
Klausen Mekaniske Verksted Ltd.
Skipsverft / Ship yard
Published: 14.09.2001
Finn Borgen Førsund
The business at Bøvika was established by Jørgen Klausen in 1948. His brother Olav joined later, and became the manager. Until 1980, the operation w...
Cannery at Sauesund
Fabrikk / Factory
Published: 01.10.2001
Finn Borgen Førsund
The production of canned crab on the Sogn og Fjordane coast was started and had the largest volumes at Askvoll. Crab fishing is also rich in this di...
Løkeland cannery at Atløy
Fabrikk / Factory
Published: 01.10.2001
Finn Borgen Førsund
The business was established by Sigurd Løkeland in 1922. Its principal product has been canned crab, au naturel or as paste. Until the 1960s, ca...
The mines at Grimelia
Gruve / Mine
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
In June 1759, "Grimmeliens Kobberværk" was given royal privilege to run mining operations within a radius of about 20 kilometers. This included Sørd...
Helle Teglverk
Fabrikk / Factory
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
From the 1890s until around 1920, the old municipality of Fjaler was the most industrialized of the municipalities in the county of Sogn og Fjordane...
Vårdal teglverk
Fabrikk / Factory
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
From the 1890s until around 1920, the old municipality of Fjaler was the most industrialized of the municipalities in the county of Sogn og Fjordane. ...
The boat stop Steinen
Settlements, Villages, Towns
Grend / Hamlet
Published: 07.07.1999
Finn Borgen Førsund
Steinen became the port of call for Førde. Several activities grew up here, for example the first manufacturing industries. Yet, like so many other bo...
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