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Showing 20 of 48 results
Berle church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 18.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Berle church is a local church community centre in the village of Berle in the municipality of Bremanger. The church, which can seat 210 persons, wa...
Oppstryn Church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 22.11.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Oppstryn church is a wooden longchurch situated on the farm of Fosnes in the municipality of Stryn. The church has a seating capacity of 300, and wa...
Stedje church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Stedje church is a so-called longchurch (basilica type), built of wood and located at "Øvre Stedje" in the municipality of Sogndal. The church has a s...
Nedstryn church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 22.11.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Nedstryn church is a wooden longchurch on the farm of Kyrkjeeide in the municipality of Stryn. The church, with a seating capacity of 400, was conse...
Nordsida church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 22.11.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Dokumentet inneheld xml-feil! An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 6690....
Nord-Vågsøy church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 19.02.2001
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Nord-Vågsøy kyrkje is a longchurch built in concrete in the village of Raudeberg in the municipality of Vågsøy. The church, with a seating capacity of...
Ålfoten church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Ålfoten church is a cog-joint wooden longchurch in the village of Ålfoten in the municipality of Bremanger. The church can seat 100, and it was buil...
Urnes stave church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Urnes stave church is considered to be the queen of stave churches, and is one of the four Norwegian cultural heritage sites to be found worthy of bei...
Værlandet "bedehus" chapel
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Bedehus / Chapel
Published: 11.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Dokumentet inneheld xml-feil! An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 6628....
Sør-Vågsøy church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 19.02.2001
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Sør-Vågsøy church is a wooden longchurch located in the municipal centre of Måløy in the municipality of Vågsøy. The church, with a seating capacity o...
Kaupanger Stave Church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Kaupanger church is a stave church from about 1190. It is located on the grounds of Kaupanger Manor. The church has a seating capacity of 125, and it ...
Innvik church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 22.11.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Innvik church is an octagonal wooden church situated in the village of Innvik in the municipality of Stryn. The church has a seating capacity of 350...
Solund church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 05.02.2003
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Solund church is a so-called longchurch made of wood, situated in the municipal centre of Hardbakke in Solund. The church has a seating capacity of 20...
Frøya church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 18.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Frøya church is a wooden longchurch located at Frøyalandet in the municipality of Bremanger. The church - with a seating capacity of 400 - was conse...
Rugsund church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 18.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Rugsund church is a wooden longchurch located on the farm of Hessevågen on the mainland side of Rugsund in the municipality of Bremanger. The church h...
The old Olden church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
The old Olden church is a wooden cruciform church located on the site called "Sjøatunet" in the village of Olden in the municipality of Stryn. The chu...
Davik church
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 18.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Davik church is a wooden longchurch located in the village of Davik in the municipality of Bremanger. The church, with a seating capacity of 500, was ...
Stongfjorden 'bedehus' chapel
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Bedehus / Chapel
Published: 11.12.2002
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Stongfjorden "bedehus" chapel is a rebuilt "bedehus" built in wood. It is situated in the village of Stongfjorden in the municipality of Askvoll. The ...
Bulandet 'bedehus' chapel
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Sigurd Vengen
Anders Gjerde
Bulandet "bedehus" chapel is an extended "bedehus" built in wood, located on the point of Kjempeneset on the island of Musøya in the municipality of A...
The Church Site at Husøy
Churches, Cloisters, Christianity
Kyrkje / Church
Published: 07.07.1999
Margrethe Henden Aaraas
Anders Gjerde
Husøy chapel was most likely built in the autumn of 1717 or in spring, 1718. At the same time the chapel at Utvær was torn down. The Husøy chapel ¿s...
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