Værlandet "bedehus" chapel is built of yellow brick and is located on the island of Værøy in the municipality of Askvoll. The house, which seats 178 persons, was built in 1960 and was consecrated for church functions on 30 October the same year by the bishop Ragnvald Andreas Indrebø. Architect Torgeir Alvsaker designed the house. Værlandet belongs to the Vilnes "sokn" in the Askvoll parish
Om lag 100 tonn teglstein frå Helle Teglverk i Holmedal gjekk med då bygdefolket på Værlandet reiste gudshuset sitt.
About 100 tonnes of brick from Helle Brickworks in Holmedal was used when the islanders of Værlandet built their place of worship.
Ca. 2000.
Gunn Leite.
Gunn Leite.
Værlandet "bedehus" chapel
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Aaraas, Margrethe Henden m.fl.: På kyrkjeferd i Sogn og Fjordane - 1. Nordfjord og Sunnfjord. Selja Forlag. Førde 2000.