Purkebolsvatnet (Ingvar Grastveit)




Lake Purkebolsvatnet is perhaps western Norway's largest sleeping city - for birds. They come in the thousands, usually in later summer and autumn. The barn swallows alone number 10 000 - 12 000 at their most numerous.

People tend to retreat to their own space when they want to sleep. Many birds, instead, collect in large flocks - because it is when they are sleeping that they are most vulnerable. One advantage with a "sleeping city" is that they can more easily get news of danger, and they therefore feel more secure about meeting the new day. Probably a communal sleeping place also functions as a kind of information centre. A bird who has had a bad day can easily see who has gained a bit of weight, and may follow them the next morning to ease their task of finding tasty worms to hunt.

It happens during evening twilight. You have surely seen it on nature films from Africa: The birds come in from all directions across the sky, settle in the tree tops or thickets, and gradually quiet down after their violent arguments about who gets the best perch become resolved. This phenomenon is not as obvious at Lake Purkebolsvatnet, but the principle is the same.

The barn swallows are the most numerous, they come in such bands that they are easy to notice. They settle for the night in the dense "forest" of reeds. But, before they retire, many of the swallows have flown about over the water for perhaps an hour catching insects. Sleeping on an empty stomach is not wise for a little bird with a high metabolism. It is hardly imaginable to keep the neighbours awake with tummy rumblings that disturb everyone.

At Lake Purkebolsvatnet it is mostly the year's young swallows who gather, and usually in the weeks before the autumn migrations begin seriously. They come from large parts of South Norway. Local ornithologists have ringed several thousand barn swallows at this locality, and have documented ringed birds from Jæren, Karmøy, Os, Osterøy, Nordfjord, Sunnmøre and Nordmøre. A "flying Dutchman" - a swallow with a ring on its leg from the Netherlands, was documented here on the 22nd of September, 1999. And in Bloemfontein in South Africa, two birds that were ringed at Lake Purkebolsvatnet were observed in August, 2001.

A number of other birds also stay overnight at Lake Purkebolsvatnet. At Lake Klebakkvatnet, just to the south of the swallow-headquarters, probably a couple of hundred Wagtails gather at night. Some Whinchats, Reed Buntings and Starlings also make use of the reeds when evening falls. The dense plots of spruce that were planted around the water provide shelter mostly for crows, but also for some pigeons and Grey Herons.

Lake Purkebolsvatnet has an interesting birdlife the year around, but during the late evening from July to September is the most lively. There are otherwise few places in Hordaland where you find as many gnats as here. Perhaps it is just for this reason that the locality is so popular among the birds.

Alt i oldtida la grekarane merke til at store flokkar med låvesvaler samla seg i innsjøar om haustkveldane, og vart borte i tette takrøyrskogar. Men som tenksame og fornuftige menneske var dei ikkje tidleg nok oppe om morgonen til å sjå at fuglane flaug vidare. Slik oppstod myten om at svalene overvintrar på botnen av innsjøar.


Denne eldgamle hypotesen vart faktisk prova! Biskopen av Uppsala – Olaus Magnus – kunne i det sekstande hundreåret fortelja om fiskarar som drog opp garn stinne av stivfrosne låvesvaler. Dei vakna til liv og flaug då dei vart tekne inn i varmen.

Takrøyr er ei plante som er utbreidd i store delar av verda. Ved Purkebolsvatnet og nabovatnet Klebakkvatnet veks kanskje dei mest velvaksne takrøyra i fylket. Planta er å finna i grunne vatn med stor tilførsle av organisk næring, som ved tilsig frå landbruket. Innsjøar med takrøyr er ofte einsidige, men likevel rike fuglebiotopar.

Purkebolsvatnet er ein av fleire stader i Austrheim der den vakre brunnakken hekkar. (Ingvar Grastveit)

See also

Places in muncipality