Highly visible from the village
The memorial is a cut greyish stone with a copper plate. Its location on the churchyard above the road at Selje church is highly visible from the village. At the top of the copper plate is written:
Then follow the 18 names with dates of birth and death, and below the names is the following inscription:
In the stone below the plate the following text is carved into the rock: ERECTED * BY * THE PEOPLE * OF * SELJE * 1947
The unveiling ceremony
The stone was unveiled on the day of repentance, 31 October, 1947, attended by six to seven hundred persons from the whole municipality of Selje. The vicar Tungesvik gave the unveiling speech. He paid particular attention to the seamen in his speech - the toil, the dangers they were exposed to, and the courage they showed.
At the end of the speech Tungesvik said: - The stone is erected because the people of Selje want to honour the memory of those who lost their lives for our people and country, and it will help us to keep the memory of those men alive. But the memorial stone will also be a reminder to future generations to do their duties whenever needed, the way these men did their duties.
Several wreaths were laid down at the memorial. The Selje male chorus and the Selje brass band participated at the ceremony, which was concluded with the hymn ''Når mi livssol sig i hav.''
Biographies in the book"Vår falne"
STAVE, ROMANDUS, engineer, Selje. Born 10 September, 1915 at Selje, son of Peder Jetmundsen Stave, born 1880, and Ragna Rasmusdatter née Stave, born 1882, both at Selje. Lost his life in Hull, England, by drowning on 3 November, 1939 because the city was blacked out.
HOVE, SIGVALD EINAR, carpenter, Selje. Born 3 March, 1896 at Selje, son of Knut Tollefsen Hove, born 1860 at Selje, and Eline Gjertsdatter née Dalseth, born 1870 at Eid. Worked on MT Buesten, and died when the ship went down in the English Channel on 9 April, 1941, on her way from Dartmouth to Southampton.
INGEBRIGTSEN, OLAF, carpenter, Selje. Born 24 December, 1898 at Selje, son of Ingebrigt Johannesen, born 1844, and Janikke Olsdatter née Refsnes, born 1852. Worked as a carpenter on MT Vinga, and died on 15 September, 1941, during an air raid on the ship on her way between England and America. Buried at Selje.
Note: On the memorial stone his family name is Årsheim.
TORHEIM, RAGNVALD ANTONI, fishing boat skipper, Selje. Born 6 August, 1912 at Davik, son of Mons Torheim, born 1882 same place, and Lina née Teige, born 1885 at Herøy, Sunnmøre. Married 1936 at Rovde, Sunnmøre, to Emma, born 1907. One child. Navigation course. Stand-by assistant in the lighthouse service and fishing boat skipper. Died during the raid on Måløy on 27 December, 1941, when he was killed by a shell. Buried at Nord-Vågsøy church. His brother Arthur Henry died in 1943.
ELTVIK, PETTER HJALMAR, cook, Selje. Born 10 April, 1917 at Selje, son of Mathias Larsen Eltvik, born 1880 at Selje, and Sevrine, born 1878 at Selje. Was a cook on MT Kongsgaard which was torpedoed six nautical miles west of the northern tip of Curaçao on 21 February, 1942, on her way from Puerto de la Cruz to Aruba.
TEIGEN, ALFRED OLAF DANKERT, seaman, Selje. Born 7 November, 1914 at Selje, son of Daniel Antonsen Otnes, born 1885 at Selje, and Anna Teigen, born 1887 same place. Went to sea for the first time in 1934 as a messboy. Died on 29 December, 1942, when the SS Ingerfem was torpedoed in the North Atlantic, in a convoy from Loch Ewe to Halifax.
Olaf Teigen (1914-1942), died in action in the North Atlantic.
Olaf Teigen was a crew member on SS Ingerfem of Bergen. The ship was in a convoy out of Loch Ewe, Skottland to Halifax, Canada, on Christmas Eve, 1942. After three days they got some engine trouble and were left astern. On the evening of 29 December, the ship was torpedoed by a German submarine and sank after only five minutes. Many of the crew managed to get onboard two lifeboats, but only one man was saved, the gunner Ole Næss. He was picked up about two weeks later, on 11 January, more dead than alive. He could later give an account of the drama in the lifeboat after the ship was torpedoed.
SANDE, HJALMAR SIMON KARLOT, seaman, Selje. Born 6 March, 1915 at Selje, son of farmer Jakob Jakobsen Sande, born 1872, and Sara Olsdatter née Sande, born 1880, both at Selje. Sailed for the allied forces as a seaman on MS India. The ship left Talara, Peru on 3 September, 1943, and disappeared on the way to Sydney, Australia.
BJØRLYKKE, HÅKON MATHIAS, postal clerk, Trondheim. Born 16 November, 1923 at Selje, son of postmaster Petter Andreas Rasmussen Bjørlykke, born 1868 at Sande, and Marie Regine née Tungevåg, born 1879 at Selje. Middle school and commercial secondary school. Worked as a postal clerk on the coastal express steamer St. Svithun and died on 30 September, 1943, when the steamer was bombed by planes at Stad.
TORHEIM, ARTHUR HENRY, deck man, Selje. Born 16 January, 1918, at Steigen, son of Mons Torheim, born 1882 at Davik and Lina née Teige, born 1885 at Herøy, Sunnmøre. Was conscripted deck man on the submarine Ula. Died on 3 December, 1943 in a drowning accident in Dundee, Scotland. Buried at Nord-Vågsøy church. His brother Ragnvald Antoni died in 1941.
KJØDE, ARNE PETTERSEN, engineer, Selje. Born 9 May, 1908 at Selje, son of Petter Pedersen Kjøde, born 1868 at Selje, and Kristiane née Andersdatter, born 1863 same place. Sailed in foreign trade before the war. During the war he sailed on SS Felix, and died on 11 February, 1944 when his ship went down at Folla. Buried in Namsos.
STOKKEVÅG, KARSTEN MATHIAS, motorboat pilot, Selje. Born 17 May, 1921 at Selje, son of Laurits Kristensen Stokkevåg, born 1869 same place and Anna Mathiasdatter née Hestenes, born 1885 at Gloppen. Evening school, correspondence course. Was a passenger on SS Irma, and died when the ship sank off Hustadvika after two explosions on her way from Bergen to Kristiansund.
FLATAKER, MONS KORNELIUS, farmer and fisherman, Selje. Born 15 August, 1896 at Selje, son of farmer Ingebrigt Samuelsen Flataker, born 1861 at Selje, and Isaline Monsdatter, born 1869 same place. Married 1941 at Os to Thea Thomasdatter née Øvreeide, born 1908 at Os. Two children. Died in a mine explosion while fishing off Selje on 15 September, 1944. His brother Ole Kristoffer Mathias also died in the same accident.
FLATAKER, OLE KRISTOFFER MATHIAS, fisherman and farmer, Selje. Born 7 April, 1892 at Selje, son of Ingebrigt Samuelsen Flataker, born 1861, and Isaline Monsdatter, born 1869. Married 1920 in Bergen to Marie Ida Sofie Danielsdatter, born 1897 at Selje. Six children. Died 15 September, 1944, while line fishing west of Kråkenes when the fishing vessel probably hit a mine. His brother Mons Kornelius died at the same time.
FLATAKER, ALBERT SIVERT REINHARD, fisherman and farmer, Selje. Born 30 July, 1902 at Selje, son of farmer Mons Sakariassen Flataker, born 1872, and wife Berthe Bergesdatter, born 1873. Married 1943 in Nordfjord to Magda Hansdatter, born 1896 at Jøssund. Died 15 September, 1944 during line fishing west of Kråkenes when the fishing vessel probably hit a mine.
FLATAKER, MALVIN BERNHARD VILHELM, fisherman, Selje. Born 2 September, 1905 at Selje, son of farmer Kristian Mathiasssen Flataker, born 1877, and wife Alette Andersdatter, born 1872. Married 1932 at Selje to Dagmar Sivertsdatter, born 1906 in Trondheim. Five children. Died 15 September, 1944 during line fishing west of Kråkenes when the fishing vessel probably hit a mine.
SANDVIK, PEDER, farmer and whaler, Selje. Born 8 June, 1879 at Selje, son of farmer Peder Johnsen Sandvik, born 1836, and Synnøve Torbjørnsdatter, born 1835. Married 1903 at Selje to Paula Eltvik, born 1875 same place. Two children. During the war he was a fisherman in Scotland and later on a guard at a naval depot in London. In 1941, he took part in a boat crossing to the Norwegian coast and put ashore two men and returned with refugees to Britain. Died on 7 March, 1945 during an air raid on London. Buried at Leikanger.
DRAGE, REIDAR JONN, farm worker, Selje. Born 21 September, 1924 at Selje, son of Reinhardt Drage, born 1882, and Oline née Tungevåg, born 1882, both at Selje. After the liberation he was conscripted to do military service in the coastal artillery, and died on 15 April, 1946 in an explosion while sinking German ammunition at Tangane at Rugsund. Buried at Leikanger, Stad.
EIDE, OLE DAGFINN, fisherman, Selje. Born 13 April, 1928 at Selje, son of Hans Eide, born 1891 at N. Vågsøy, and Thea née Hjertnæs, born 1891 at Selje. Died Died on 18 July, 1946, when he was making hay and stepped on a landmine left behind by the Germans. Buried at Selje.