Fjellkjeden forsvinner - dinosaurene kommer

The mountain chain dissapears – and the dinosaurs arrive

Fjellkjeden ble til slutt slitt helt ned, til et lavt sletteland – i juraperioden med fuktige sumper, tropiske skoger og buktende elver. Flygeøgler og dinosaurer var trolig Hordalands herskere på denne tiden. (Robert Williams)

The mountain chain disappears – and the dinosaurs arrive!

The Caledonian mountain chain is an example of how plate movements and continental drift can cause collisions and the upheaval of huge mountain chains. After the horizontal compressional forces ceased, the forces of gravity, wind and water took over and started the process of eroding away the mountain chain. But, nearer to our time the land rose up again to a plateau landscape in the east which slanted down toward the ocean in the west!