Kalandsvika is the best place in Hordaland to see the Sedge Warbler. On a good evening in early June, you can hear more than 10 singing males. The Sedge Warbler's song posts are usually spirea bushes and willow thickets, as well as the special vegetation of the canary grass and great bulrush by the river mouth. These are also the places where you are likely to see the Reed Bunting. On a late evening in May and June you will in addition be able to hear many other bird sounds: the Snipe's bleating flight play, the Redshank 's noisy warning calls, the Lapwing's hot-tempered diatribe against the crows and one or another Whinchat trying to imitate all of the other birds in their song.
Some periods in winter, there are nearly 40 song swans in the bay, swans that alternate between the Os- and Kalands-water systems for their choice of gathering place. Every winter, about 20-30 Goosanders come to the waters of Lake Kalandsvatnet; there is no place in the county where you will see more. The Goldeneye and Tufted Duck are also common. One seldom sees Little Grebes or Smew, but they are just as regular winter guests.