After the law of 1648 was passed on “Skydsfærd til Lands og Vands, samt Gjæstgiverier i Norge” (Transport on Land and on Sea as well as Guesthouses in Norway) a guesthouse locality was also established here. The main building, which probably dates from the 1700s stood until 1993, altered and reconstructed with an aura of old grandeur. The building had a freestanding row of columns over two storeys at the main façade, but in the pen and ink drawing by J.F.L. Dreier we see the guesthouse with a large hipped roof beside a boathouse, which no longer exists today. At the guesthouse place there was a lively exchange of goods, and figures entered into the medical reports on venereal disease are the highest in Søndre Bergenhus County.
The first church was built here in 1741, as an annex church to the Cathedral. Laksevåg and Loddefjord belonged under Strusshamn parish; Loddefjord right up to 1915. The old church in Strusshamn burned down in 1861, but it was re-erected in 1864, further south. This church also burned down in 1966, and was reconstructed in 1969.