Her ser vi korleis Dalsfjordbrua er prosjektert i høve til landskapet. Brua er tenkt utført som hengebru med eit hovudspenn på 490 m og ei seglingshøgd på 42 m. Med viaduktane blir brua 680 m. Det vil og bli gang og sykkelveg. Kostnadene med brua var i 2001 rekna til 350 mill. Bruprosjektet er utarbeidd av Vegdirektoratet.

A drawing of the Dalsfjord bridge and its position in the landscape. The idea is a suspension bridge with a central span of 490 metres and a sailing height of 42 metres. If the viaducts are included, the bridge will be 680 metres long. There is a lane for pedestrians and bicycles. The cost was in 2001 calculated at NOK 350 million. The preliminary project was made by the Directorate General of public roads.

Statens vegvesen Region Vest

The struggle for bridge across the Dalsfjord

The Dalsfjord bridge has been the most hotly debated communications project in the county and has led to bitter political controversy. The start was the wish for a road on the north side of the Dalsfjord, in order to establish a connection between Askvoll, Førde, and Dale by way of Bygstad. But in 1974, the Storting (national parliament) favoured a bridge across the Dalsfjord instead of a road. Accordingly, the work on the road up to the planned bridge was started from Eikenes on the north side of the Dalsfjord, however, the bridge never materialized.

Demand for a road around the Dalsfjord

The demand for a continuous road on the north side of the Dalsfjord was forwarded by the communications board and the municipal council of Askvoll in 1932, and in 1933 Gaular municipality joined in. Fjaler municipality, on the other hand, wanted a ferry service from Eikenes to Dale and a road eastwards on the south side to Osen (Bygstad). The issue was postponed for further study and pending the compensation plan (financial compensation for lack of railway in the county of Sogn og Fjordane). In the final proposal, none of the roads were included, but Dale-Osen was given an allocation in the ordinary county budget in 1938-39.

Plan for a road on the north side was not shelved

In 1939, a rural road was built from Sunde to Laukeland along the north side of the Dalsfjord. When the road Dale-Osen was finished in the 1950s, the wish emerged for a road from Laukeland on to Eikenes, to connect the communities on the north side and the south side of the Dalsfjord. In 1962, 1200 signatures were collected in support of this. In 1967, the county council gave the road Laukeland-Eikenes top place on the priority list of state road projects for the period 1970-79.

På nordsida av Dalsfjorden kan ein så vidt skimta "geitestien," som den uferdige vegen frå Eikenes til Otterstein vert kalla. Bildet er teke frå Grøneholten som ligg sør-aust for Dale. Vi ser ferjeleiet på Eikenes til venstre på bildet.

On the north side of the Dalsfjord, there is a glimpse of the so-called "geitestien" (goat path), the name given the unfinished road from Eikenes to Otterstein. The picture was taken from Grøneholten, south-east of Dale. To the left in the picture, the ferry quay at Eikenes.

Arve Ese
Arve Ese

Controversy over priorities in the municipal council

Meanwhile, plans for a road between Askvoll and Førde, along the Førdefjord, had appeared. The municipal council of Askvoll was split on the question of the road location. A popular meeting at Askvoll demanded that the Askvoll peninsula be given a road toward the north, along the Førdefjord instead of along the Dalsfjord. The support for the "north side road" along the Dalsfjord was thus weakened.

From "north side road" to bridge project

In 1970, the Storting (national parliament) in connection with document no. 14 (Norwegian roads plan), decided that a bridge should be built across the Dalsfjord in the 1980s. When the roads plan came up for revision in 1973, the Dalsfjord question was raised again. The state now wanted to have a road built from the ferry quay at Eikenes and eastwards to Otterstein with a temporary ferry service between Otterstein and Dale, until a bridge could be built across the fjord from Otterstein to Nishammar. The plan now envisaged a finished bridge around 1981.

The road Eikenes-Otterstein

The road was regarded as an important part of the road system for the Askvoll peninsula, with a population of around 4600, and a sizeable industry. The bridge would make redundant the ferry service Dale-Eikenes, a crossing taking 25 minutes. In 1974, the work on the road from Eikenes toward Nishammar was started. Some of the money was from extraordinary jobs creation funds. The road Eikenes-Nishammar was in 1973 estimated at NOK 21 million.

The grants were stopped

Four kilometres of road and tunnels were built in all before the project was stopped by the Storting in 1981. 1500 metres of road and tunnels were still not finished. The cause of the stoppage was disagreement between the county council and the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The county council refused to take a stand on the progression of the project because the ministry, with the Storting behind it, had chosen a more expensive solution than the "north side road", which the county council favoured. The Storting had not given the county extra grants, which the county council had demanded.

"The scandal road" a political problem

In the Norwegian roads plan for the period 1982-85, NOK 50 million originally meant for the project, was transferred to other projects such as bridge across the Norddalsfjord, road along the Hyefjord , and road improvements in Hyllestad. But the unfinished road became a political problem. The Dalsfjord project was postponed indefinitely and would be considered in later revisions of the Norwegian roads plan. Very little happened, however. "The scandal road", which had cost NOK 13 million, has since 1981 been unused and stops at a mountain wall. Activist groups have ever since worked hard to get the Dalsfjord bridge on the agenda for state appropriations.

Pro and anti bridge

One of the arguments used against a bridge has been that the traffic is too light, if the ferry traffic is the basis. Around 1995, the Public Roads Administration made a project report based on traffic prognoses from the SINTEF. The predictions were based on the number of jobs on each side of the fjord, the secondary school at Dale, and the indoor sports facility. And a higher number was arrived at. In 2006, a municipal area plan is in progress, in which the bridge is a part. The Public Roads Administration has analysed three preliminary eventualities: the Dalsfjord bridge, a new and shorter ferry service, and the existing ferry service. When the planning is completed, the cost of the projects will be more exact.

Utsyn frå Kringla på nordsida av Dalsfjorden mot Dale. Brua skal gå frå Otterstein på nordsida av fjorden (til høgre) til Nishamaren på sørsida (til venstre).

View from Kringla on the north side of the Dalsfjord toward Dale. The bridge is planned to be built from Otterstein on the north side of the fjord (to the right) to Nishamaren on the south side (to the left).

Arve Ese
Arve Ese

Favourable decision by the county council

When considering the action plan of the Norwegian traffic plan (NTP) for 2006-2015, the majority in the county council in 2005 wanted to give priority to the Dalsfjord bridge. The Senterpartiet, the Arbeidarpartiet (labour), and Høgre (conservatives) were able to establish a majority for the complete financing of the Dalsfjord bridge. They assumed that construction would be started in 2009. The Public Roads Administration had suggested state road 60 Olden-Innvik be given priority, since there had been a strong wish in the political parties to give priority to existing roads. State road 60 has a standard unfit for the traffic on it, in strength and road width. The danger of a collapse exists. But this time the Dalsfjord bridge won. The question is now whether the last word about this bridge has been said.


If grants are given the Dalsfjord bridge from 2009 on, in accordance with the plans, the bridge will be built. On the other hand, if not, and there is another round in the county council and even in the Storting, the situation may change. It is safe to say that the struggle for the Dalsfjord bridge is not over yet.

Etter at artikkelen vart skrive har Dalsfjordbrua vorte realisert. Dalsfjordbrua, ei vegbru over Dalsfjorden i Vestland fylke, har ei lengde på 619 meter, eit spenn på 523 meter og brutårna er 101 meter høge. Ho vart opna 14. desember 2013 og erstatta ferjesambandet Dale-Eikenes. Meir om dette kan du lese i NRK sin artikkel: "Laurdag opnar Dalsfjordsambandet - men vegen dit har vore lang og kronglete." 

  • Dalsfjordbrua, Prospekt over "Dalsfjordsambandet". Aksjon Dalsfjordbrua 1998.
  • Steffensen, H.P. og Fitje, Rune: Rv anlegg Eikenes-Nishamar. I Vegstubben, s. 31-33, nr. 2 og 3-1975.
  • Dalsfjordbrua Sogn og Fjordane. Forprosjekt. Statens vegvesen 2001.