J.C. Dahl: "Måbødalen", 1854 (Owner: Rasmus Meyers Samlinger, Bergen Kunstmuseum. Photo: Fotograf Henriksen a.s./Geir S. Johannessen).
The Artist and his Experience of Nature
”A day that passed us as a stranger, later becomes a gift, and opens up as such.” Rainer Maria Rilke
As we travel westwards across the Hardanger plateau and having passed the watershed, the brown interminable moorland changes into an amazing panorama over a wild and serrated mountain landscape, with horizon beyond horizon, until the mountains at the edge of the horizon are swallowed up by the airy atmosphere. This sight not only moves the hearts of Norwegians born on the west side of the mountains, but Norwegians, Swedes, Germans and Americans alike, are all equally captivated. This is the West at its most dramatic.