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gunnar urtegaard
pascale baudonnel (1960 - )
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bolig / residence
støl / mountain farm
unionsoppløysing / union resolution
veg / road
brann / fire
dyr / animal
fyrlykt / lighthouse
gardshus / farm house
hamn / port
jordbruk / farming
måleri / painting
person / person
plass / spot
steingjerde / stone fence
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nils georg brekke
hermund kleppa
stein byrkjeland
anders gjerde
inge aarseth
bjørn moe
haakon fossen
svein indrelid
sigurd vengen
hans h. steinsund
margrethe henden aaraas
per jahn lavik
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endre skaar
william helland-hansen
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kjell-ragnar berge
anders bjarne fossen
årstein svihus
aud karin skagen
kari larsen
øystein jansen
ronny b. skaar
sigrid h.h. kaland
tore lande moe
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atle nesje
ernst berge drange
herman g.gade
anders haaland
aslak t. helleve
atle ove martinussen
gunnar ellingsen
hans emil liden
ingvar vikesland
jostein mæland
kjell andresen
mary losvik
aage engesæter
alf strand
arne emil christensen
arne tislavoll
erling virkesdal
jan mangerud
mons kvamme
olav aas
peter emil kaland
randi bårtvedt
rigmor navekvien (1935 - )
stein byrkjeland
anne marta hoff
bjarne kortsen
bjarne sørensen
dagfinn moe
endre skaar
erling rykkelid
gerd bolstad
haakon fossen
harald dalland
harald jordal
herman g. gade
idar restad
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jonas risnes
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karianne schmidt vindenes
karl egil johansen
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liv fridtun (1970 - )
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øystein j. jansen
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aslak l.helleve
aslak t. helleve
aslak t.helleve
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geir h.johnsen
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gunnstein kolstad
haakon fossen, nils georg brekke, atle sollesnes
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hans emil lidé
hans emil lidén
harald johan sandvik
helge askvik
helge sandøy
helge sunde
henrik von achen
hilde sandvik
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ingvald skålnes
j. riis-simonsen
jan henrik munksgaard
johan naterstad
johannes gjerdåker
john-inge svendsen
johs. fosse
jon søvik
jostein bakke
jostein mæland
kaare tønneberg
kåre dalland
kåre dalland
kåre ness
kari losnedahl
kari shetelig hovland
karl johan haugland
kjersti randers
knut andreas bergsvik
knut fægri
knut kjerland
knut krzywinski
knut nedkvitne
kuvvet atakan
laura marie fure
leif galtung
liv janne kvåle
magnus mjånes
magnus saltnes
malvin toft
marit nybø
morten hage
nils georg brekke
nils o. golten
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oddvar natvik
olav molde
olav tveiten
ove gjerde
øystein frøiland
per m. bremnes
per m. bremnes
ralph wilson
randi andersen
randi andersen
randolf knotten
reidar storaas
reidar storaas
rolf braadland
rolf orheim
samson l. øpstad
sigrid h.h. kaland
sigrid h.h.kaland
ståle dyrvik
statens vegvesen
stein bondevik
stein byrkjelan
stein byrkjeland, svein indrelid
stein erik gilj
stein erik lauritzen
stephan tschudi madsen
svein indrelid, arne tislavoll
svein olaf dahl
sverre haugen
tore lande mo
tore lande moe
tor lunde
ture andersen
vidar valen
villand reutz
wenche eide
wigdis jorunn espeland
william helland-hansen
gunnar urtegaard
pascale baudonnel (1960 - )
Facet Forfatter
Showing 20 of 20 results
Rescuing kids (goats) from the gully of Koldegjelet at Undredal
Jordbruk / Farming
Published: 23.07.2007
Pascale Baudonnel (1960 - )
In the summer months the kids kept for breeding were released to graze by themselves along the fjord. Owners had to see to them on a regular basis to ...
Undredal goats grazing along the fjord in spring
Dyr / Animal
Published: 23.07.2007
Pascale Baudonnel (1960 - )
The goats of Undredal are lucky animals. They do not have to stay indoors for more than five-six months a year. As early as in April/May the first one...
Boat-landing facilities at Kråkenes
Plass / Spot
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
The people of Kråkenes have always been faced with bad landing sites. There were five known sites: Storehola, Keila, Stiksvika, Bleke and Synstestøa...
Mountain farming in the valley of Skogadalen
Støl / Mountain farm
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Until the 1920s, the villages of Allmenningen and Eldevika had a common mountain farm in Skogadalen in the former municipality of Davik. In the 1920...
The old Kvalheim road
Veg / Road
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
The village of Kvalheim has the ocean as its next-door neighbour and the landing conditions have always proved difficult in bad weather. There was a s...
The old road between Rimstad and Berstad
Veg / Road
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Between the farms of Rimstad and Berstad there used to be an old road, used by pilgrims, postmen and local people alike. There are still many traces o...
The pilots on the island of Silda
Hamn / Port
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
In former times pilots lived on the island of Silda. The northern harbour was a "waiting harbour" for ships heading north past Stad. In bad weather ...
The stone walls at Kvalheim
Steingjerde / Stone fence
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
The village of Kvalheim is situated north of the bay of Kvalheimsvika on the western shoreline of the island of Vågsøya. In 1900, 188 persons lived th...
The artist Hans Dahl
Person / Person
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Hans Dahl from Granvin in Hardanger, built a summer resort in Balestrand in 1893. From 1919 he lived in Balestrand all year round. Dahl painted the sp...
The bailiff's estate at Askelund
Bolig / Residence
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
About one kilometre from Balestrand towards Kvamsøy we find a beautiful building by the fjord. This is the old Bailiff residence - called Futegarden -...
Gertrude Abbott
Bolig / Residence
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Gertrude Abbott (1866 - 1951) came from Philadelphia, USA. When she came to Norway and Balestrand, she fell in love with the place. She returned every...
The Artist Eilert Adelsteen Normann
Bolig / Residence
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Eilert Adelsteen Normann (1848-1918) was going to be a merchant like his father, but ended up in Düsseldorf as an artist. He stayed in Germany for the...
The stone house at Åsnes
Gardshus / Farm house
Published: 19.02.2001
Gunnar Urtegaard
At Åsnes between Bryggja and Lefdal there is a two-storey house with stonewalls all the way up to the roof ridge. Malvin J. Aasnes used to own the f...
The fire at Refvika in 1872
Brann / Fire
Published: 21.02.2001
Gunnar Urtegaard
The village of Refvika is located between the beach of Refviksanden to the northwest and the lake of Refvikvatnet to the southeast. Up until 1872, a...
The scenes in the village hall Bygdetun
Måleri / Painting
Published: 21.02.2001
Gunnar Urtegaard
When the old Bygdetun village hall was opened at Bryggja in 1935, people could also admire the beautiful scenes painted by the Nordfjord artist Erli...
Villa Lorna
Bolig / Residence
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Villa Lorna is the only "Swiss" villa in Balestrand, which is built above the main road. However, the fjord is only a short distance away and the view...
Rystestøylen mountain farm
Settlements, Villages, Towns
Støl / Mountain farm
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
Rystestøylen is an old mountain farm for the farms at Raudeberg. There could be as many as 40 cows there in the summer. Girls from the farms took ca...
Kråkenes lighthouse
Settlements, Villages, Towns
Fyrlykt / Lighthouse
Published: 07.07.1999
Gunnar Urtegaard
In 1906, a lighthouse station was built at Kråkenes under pressure from the Kristiansund Skipper Association. The lighthouse is located to the west of...
1905 - Vågsøy municipality
People and Society
Unionsoppløysing / Union resolution
Published: 16.03.2005
Gunnar Urtegaard
In 1905, Norway became a completely free and independent country. The union with Sweden was dissolved by a parliamentary resolution of the Norwegian S...
1905 - The municipality of Selje
People and Society
Unionsoppløysing / Union resolution
Published: 29.11.2004
Gunnar Urtegaard
In 1905, Norway became a free and independent country. The union with Sweden was dissolved by the Storting¿s parliamentary resolution on 7 June. This ...
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